5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager.

So, there's a jack ass junior high kid that lives next door. He's a total asshole to my kids. We pretty much think he's a dick.

So my 5 year old son was riding his bike with training wheels today. Stupid jackass kid started making fun of him for it.

My kid: "Shut up you butthole, before I punch you in your vagina"
Jackass Kid:

I thought this was poignant because of the epic frontpage post.

I personally think it's extremely hilarious. I won't let my kid know that, of course, because I don't typically condone this kind of stuff. But that ass totally deserves it. If you're a teenager and you get your kicks making fun of kindergarteners, you totally deserve to be punked by one. And it's extremely awesome.

On the other hand, somehow my 5 year old picked up the idea of "cunt punching" .... I think they absorb this shit through osmosis.
So am I condoning a misogynistic attitude and abusive ideation by not getting on to him for this? Is he a burgeoning sexist abuser because he intentionally emasculated this kid by assigning him female genitalia?

Right, I'm reading too much into it.

BoneRemake says...

They should only say it if they can follow up, other then that its an awkward self depreciating back track if he says it and it goes to the next level and it was all in gest.

So I cannot condone the action unless he was gonna go back it up, if he would of said "Shut up you fucknut or so, then I would applaud his technique and elaborate use of the word fuck. But a five year old should not be saying that to a junior high kid.

peggedbea says...

I agree and disagree. We talk a lot about bullying and using abusive language and respecting people in our house, so yeah, i don't think he should talk that way to people. We also talk about how it's ok to stand up for yourself and how it's better than being passive aggressive or a doormat for other peoples shit. I try to emphasize that it must be done with respect and cleverness though. It's hard for a 5 year old to absorb all that.

That said, this kid is an asshole of epic proportions. A junior high kid shouldn't be getting his kicks picking on a 5 year old. And this wasn't the first time by far.
Seriously, I understand junior kids are pretty much all assholes but find someone your own age.

My kid didn't know I heard him and I'm glad, otherwise I would have had to talk to him about his language. And I was too busy laughing and thinking "FUCK YEAH ROO!!" in my head.

I think it's pretty funny that he totally shut this kids stupid face up with something he probably has never even thought of. There will be other opportunities to talk to him about why it's wrong to threaten to punch people, especially in their genitals.

>> ^BoneRemake:
But a five year old should not be saying that to a junior high kid.

shinyblurry says...

A five year old shouldn't even be thinking like that, let alone saying it..imagine what he'll be saying five years from now..perhaps you need to review what kind of media he is exposed to..

if it were me, i would make it known that i never want to hear that language come out of his mouth again, and if it does, its going to get washed out with soap.

yes its funny when kids swear..but its definitely not psychologically healthy for them to develop these kind of negative thought patterns and attitudes..this is his time to free of the worlds bullshit..to feel special..to smell the flowers and play in them too..

help him deal with situations that make him scared, or angry..like when other kids mistreat him. teach him respect for others, and for himself. he needs to have a fundemental respect for people, and life, if you want him to be well adjusted..otherwise this marginally amusing banter is going to turn into something wicked later in life

kymbos says...

Sounds ok to me. Sounds like he's sticking up for himself, and being assertive. If he'd said he's going to punch a girl in the cunt (using those words), I'd find it more difficult.

Who makes fun of a five year old for learning how to ride a bike?

Drax says...

I'm confused as to the downvotes on kymbos here. He's saying that if Pegg's son had said cunt (a very vulgar word, imo), that would be more difficult to take than him saying vagina (which I don't consider a bad word).


kymbos says...

Perhaps I'm not supposed to hold my view on this because of my contribution to the sift meltdown. I think that's BR's possie, anyway. I think Lann just likes to be the second person to downvote my comments...

Gallowflak says...

I dunno about any of this. Most important thing seems to be that you've managed to raise a child that, at a young age, knows that he needs to establish boundaries with other people... And that others may not inflict themselves on him in a way he doesn't want them to. Sounds like an impressive little man.

spoco2 says...

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.

My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.

So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".

I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

peggedbea says...

my kids know their anatomy. probably because my careers have been all about the anatomy. and i'm all about anatomy. i like that they know their anatomy. right now my son is all about saying "butt" everything. we went camping a few weeks ago and he shared a tent with his friend and they were up saying the word "buttcrack" ALL NIGHT. i think it's probably the dirtiest word they know. it's getting pretty annoying though. i've started just ignoring it and hope he grows out of it soon. probably not though. inflatablevagina and i still giggle about buttholes every time we get together. at least we've grown out of picking each others noses. >> ^spoco2:

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.
My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.
So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".
I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

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