Accept or Reject New Channel: Arthropodology
As described by its creator, @NordlichReiter: "Arthropodology. The study of Arthropods. Insects, Arachnids, and Crustaceans. Post your insects and arachnids here. crustaceans are welcome too, but not so much."
If it's accepted, we'll definitely have to at least change the name so the address/invocation is something simpler (e.g.,
Call it insects, and we're good.

or bugs.
actually sounds good to me
I think it should be arthropodology. Why dumb it down ? I think that is some hidden message from gwiz at the abilities of sifters.
dont we have a cats and dogs ? or is this to refine that ?
I wont vote until I understand more.
Don't make it insects. Bugs would be better.
*bugs is much easier to type and remember than *arthropodology. "How many 'Os' were in that bug word?"
Will there be crustaceans in love?
Lobster knife fights!!
It would *bug me if I couldn't incorporate the channel assignments into my seldom, marginally-witty comments. How am I supposed to work *Arthropodology into a sentence, let alone remember how to spell it?
*bugs would be neat... I still have the ability to create a channel, but can't decide on one
"How wude." Insects are not bugs. I am not a bug!

Do we count computer bugs too?
I like the idea, but agree that the invocation should be easy.
Aside from all that, arthropodology (or any variant of it) can't be used because star invocations could get confused with the art channel's.
Bug-man... nana nana nanana Bug-man!
*POW* *WHAM* Bird-repellent spray.
>> ^ant:
"How wude." Insects are not bugs. I am not a bug!
Do we count computer bugs too?
>> ^gwiz665:

Bug-man... nana nana nanana Bug-man!
POW WHAM Bird-repellent spray.
>> ^ant:
"How wude." Insects are not bugs. I am not a bug!
Do we count computer bugs too?
That won't work on me. I am wearing a gas mask. Can't you hear me breathing hard?
I just don't want to have to write * arthropomoforazzmatazz.
>> ^BoneRemake:
I think it should be arthropodology. Why dumb it down ? I think that is some hidden message from gwiz at the abilities of sifters.
dont we have a cats and dogs ? or is this to refine that ?
I wont vote until I understand more.
Hmm, but the only people invoking *arthropodology would be the ones that know how to use it properly.
May I humbly suggest for the page image...
I still can't figure out how to embed images
Let the games begin.
>> ^Fjnbk:
May I humbly suggest for the page image...
I still can't figure out how to embed images .
That strip is a whole lot more funny when you read it in it's entirety.
p.s. I love Calvin and Hobbes!!
Just call it the @ant channel.
>> ^Issykitty:

Just call it the @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">ant channel.
I like that idea! Can we also change VideoSift to AntSift or VideoAnt too? Also Siftbot to SiftAnt or AntBot? IssyKitty, you can be my co-moderator for it.
i'm in the same position. I have ideas but they don't suit me. >> ^Hybrid:
bugs would be neat... I still have the ability to create a channel, but can't decide on one
call it another channel and worry about the reception after inception and erection-no rejection or collective masturbation reaction/rejection
Throw in a *weather channel and we got a deal! Also, maybe we should go for the name *creepycrawly.
I'm late to the party! I called it Arthropodology because I thought we should have a channel for insects, spiders, crustaceans and anything that matches the description. But is was more tooled towards arachnids, and insects.
Sure we can call it bugs, or creepy-crawlies, whatever. I was just taking a stab in the dark.
On second thought, maybe bugs is ok. I thought it was two broad, when I was reading the channel name instructions.
Hmmm... at first I read the post as "Anthropodology channel". The study of the feet of ancient civilizations? Pretty specific, but why not?
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting Accept channel Arthropodology.
welcome to the sift, Arthra...Arthropa...Arthropodopalopa...creepycrawlies!
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