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Would you like to touch my boob?

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I think this is such a horrible idea. This sort of stuff is just not fair on guys at all.

We can't read signals women... we can't! And so what do you think goes through our head if a pretty woman comes up to us and asks us to touch her breasts? We think it's a come on, and surely the guy would think he's in with a shot. And then finds that's it... and gets very confused as to what this means in general for women's behaviour.


This is one of those rare "too good to be true but actually is true" moments. Every single guy in the video is trying to figure out what the catch is, because 99.9% of the time there is one.

Upvote for boobies because boobies are awesome.


>> ^gwiz665:
Turn this around and have a guy walking around "Would you like to touch my balls?"
-83 votes...

The the main difference is, " HELL ( punch, punch, knee) NO", is the answer to the ball touching qustion.
"Yes,,, Yes I would" is the answer to the boob question.


I actually knew a girl who did this all the time. She would tell random people to grab her ass. (Because, as she says: "I work out. My ass is awesome! Grab it and see!") The reactions were priceless.

Although I don't really understand why it makes people so uncomfortable.


When you think about it..
That makes little sense as the male equivalent of breasts would be the chest or bosom.

As in. He clutched the flowers to his bosom.

If you turned this prank around, it would be some fabio guy asking random women "Would you like to touch my chest?"

..And would probably just sit in [fill-in your preferred VS username here]'s personal queue

>> ^gwiz665:

Turn this around and have a guy walking around "Would you like to touch my balls?"
-83 votes...


>> ^ponceleon:

Yeah, definitely have to agree on suit-guy... there was something very serial-killer about him.

Umm.. I dunno about serial killer. That's a bit extreme. Definitely a creepy douchebag asshole though. His attire proves it... Or at least reinforces it.

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