Walk the dinosaur! (Best school event ever!)

Damn, that must have been an awesome day at school for these kids!

I must strongly protest this! These children will grow up thinking that all dinosaurs are friendly and tame! What would happen should they meet one in the wild?

Oh wait. Right. I was supposed to take the white pills with the RED stripes. Sorry.


Hah, I saw that too.

Nothing will get the kids to quiet down after a Dinosaur, what was he thinking? =)

"Kids, pay no attention to the awesome dinosaur walking around your gymnasium right now!"


You know, I remembered seeing these a while back, but I think the big difference this time is the addition of the growl. I wonder exactly what it is, just a recording, or the guy inside making the noise? Sounds too good to be the guy.


The way it moves is fantastic. I've seen a few vids of these suits now and I love the direction they're going with them. The way you can see the person so clearly, and the costume is good, but not brilliantly detailed you'd think it would be a bit lame. The magic is in the way it moves. It's such a light suit it really can pounce at the kids and it moves so fluidly it becomes far more real than even the most detailed servo controlled model. Great work and what a great day for the kids


>> ^ponceleon:

You know, I remembered seeing these a while back, but I think the big difference this time is the addition of the growl. I wonder exactly what it is, just a recording, or the guy inside making the noise? Sounds too good to be the guy.

I want to see how inside work.


I took my nephews to the Walking With Dinosaurs show last year. Best money I ever spent. They kept whispering, "Uncle Ricky, is that real?" And I would just say, "well, what do you think?"


Three things came to mind when I watched this video...

1) Never thought Happy and fear could ever be in the same video.
2) They left the part where some kids went missing... >_>
3) I saw human leg and the spoiled the magic for me... Still that would be one hell of an awesome costume.

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