The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

"Glenn Beck has opened my eyes to everything", and other insanity from the protest (~75k people) last weekend in Washington DC.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'glenn beck, socialism, confused, people, hitler, fair weather libertarians' to 'glenn beck, socialism, confused, people, hitler, fair weather libertarians, dipers' - edited by Fusionaut


Hmm - well let's see... The only estimate that I have found online was in the UK telegraph's article that said a million people were at this rally. All other articles say "no official estimate" or "tens of thousands". All I know from the news footage is that Washington DC was packed from the capitol and the crowd went out 17 full city blocks, filling up the entire street and spilling out in a lot of directions. Police reports said they were turning back people by the busload because they were 'already full'...

Now - say what you like - but those kinds of numbers are not attainable if it is nothing but a few isolated kooks. This is a broad swath of the American people which represents a true groundswell against large government.

To me it is similar to the Iraq War protests. Bush's Iraq War was not popular. The American people didn't want it. And so when they held protests, they were able to get tens to hundreds of thousands of people to show up. Why? Well - that's what happens when the MAJORITY of the American people are 'against' what Washington is doing.

It was also VERY easy to pick out kooks, freaks, lunatics, blowhards, and jackhats at the Iraq War protests. That's because the kooks want to look like they are representative of larger crowd (when actually they aren't). People like Cindy Sheehan. However, just because a few kooks have attatched themselves like leeches to a saner majority did not mean that the sentiment against the Iraq war wasn't genuine. Nor did it mean the Iraq protesters were just a bunch of lunatics.

Same thing with the 9/12 protest. Yeah, there are some oddballs in the crowd. But you don't get hundreds of thousands of protestors when it is nothing but kooks and oddballs. Obama and the Democrats ignore these protests at thier own peril - just like Bush. Bush ignored them, and his numbers plummeted because he was swimming against the majority. Obama is ignoring the majority too, and look at his numbers... If Obama wants to be "Bush2" then that's his affair...


When my former Obama supporting friends are now turning against him, it's for reasons that this video doesn't suggest. The Left don't get it, how could we have elected such an empty suit? Seriously, he had no qualifications!! We'll fix this in 2012.


>> ^TangledThorns:
When my former Obama supporting friends are now turning against him, it's for reasons that this video doesn't suggest. The Left don't get it, how could we have elected such an empty suit? Seriously, he had no qualifications!! We'll fix this in 2012.

Care to elaborate? I am really interested in your take on these things, with examples of course.


The D.C. Fire Department estimated 70,000.

EDIT: Oh, and these folks are fuckin crazy.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'glenn beck, socialism, confused, people, hitler, fair weather libertarians, dipers' to 'glenn beck, socialism, Max Blumenthal, hitler, fair weather libertarians, dipers' - edited by Throbbin


Pennypacker, If the Republican party proper does not seem interested in having a rational debate: COMMUNISM! DEATH PANELS! MEXICANS! then why should we believe that the people gullible enough to follow them are any smarter? Dick Armey's corporately funded FreedomWorks™ can be proud of the numbers they produced at their pro-status-quo rally, but at the end of the day, it's still just a mob of easily manipulated morons.

To be honest, you seem a bit too smart to be a Republican, pennypacker. Why do you cling to a party so ideologically and ethically bankrupt? They have no motivation to stop national health care other than to prop up their bloated corporate patrons. The libertarians, at least, have a principled, thoughtful stance on the subject. (STEALING! I kid blankfist) Why are you satisfied to serve a party that exists primarily to felate corporations?


All these people give Obama way more credit than I do. What has he done so far? The auto bailout... and... and... talk a lot. We've heard all about what he'd like to do and what he's going to do but he hasn't convinced me that he's capable of getting it done.

Comparing Obama to Hitler is an insult to Hitler. Hitler worked way too hard to bring about the Nazi revolution to have his name slapped on every Tom, Dick and Harry that says they want to mix things up a little.

The DCFD PIO estimated the crowd at 60k-75k people.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Obama and the Democrats ignore these protests at thier own peril

You're right, they should be sure to include these people in their healthcare bill by adding mental health provisions so these poor souls can get the care they so desperately need!

If you look at the crowd here, you'll see something that you don't see at any other capitol event, ground space. I don't care if there were people out to 17th street or not, the only density to the crowd is between their ears. I'll be amazed if there were more than 100,000 people there at most. And that includes all the other groups in the Mall, not just the tea-party folk.


To be honest, you seem a bit too smart to be a Republican, pennypacker

Where on earth did you arrive at the conclusion that I'm a Republican? The Republican party abandoned the concept of small government and strict constitutionalism a long time ago. That's why they haven't been winning elections. They pay lip service to fiscal conservatives, when the reality is that Republicans are just big government liberals who occasionally pander to certain conservative voting blocs at election time. I've got no love for the GOP. If they got a principled fiscal conservative on thier ticket then I'd vote for them.

Only 70,000

That is a number that is being reported by blogs which was based on an ABC report that CLAIMS to have been an estimate from DC firefighters. However, the DCFD has not made any official estimate. There's no official statement from anyone at this point. All we've got are duelling banjos from left wing groups (who want to make us believe it was only a few thousand lunatics) and right wing groups (who go as high as 2 million). I prefer to think that reality is somewhere in-between. It was a big crowd, and 70K seems pretty light. I saw the crowds in DC during the 2003 protests and they didn't seem any bigger - and that protest had well over 200,000. I tend to think that this rally had somewhere between 150,000 and 300,000. That's just a feeling though.

If you look at the crowd here, you'll see something that you don't see at any other capitol event, ground space

You think MadCow or other left leaning folks are going to show anything but what they want you to see? I saw the overhead shots on the news, and they were dense crowds covering a huge area. The dispirate vids of a few of the kook fringe protesters does not convince me that it was a tiny group.


Fear is a great motivator. With the way our economy is, I could say that "China will own your children." It would be true if you considered the mounting deficit.

However, can we guarantee that those people are getting both sides of the story? If Americans look upon opinion like a federal judge, we would certainly have alot more civility and frank discussion about political topics. But since they don't look for the truth with an unbiased viewpoint, we get people who think we are developing a nation of little boy rapers and euthanasia panels.


>> ^Mashiki:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
The DCFD PIO estimated the crowd at 60k-75k people.

They're not qualified to give out estimated crowd numbers. National Parks and Rec(search it and they are qualified) gave upwards of 1.2m, personally I'd put it at somewhere between 790k-1.2m, based on the 'presidential ticket estimate map' of 3.5sqft per person.

Why must you distort facts? It could not have been more than 100k, being generous. Unless you were downtown, you would not have known it was taking place. A protest of the size you are talking about would have locked up the city, for a little while at least. But it was business as usual.


Videos like this are just purely facinating. One would laugh at the arguements being heard by fellow Americans, if the issue itself was not so serious. The woman at 3:02 wanted goverment out of her life, yet, takes in federal money in the form of social security checks (can you say 'hypocrite'?). In addition, if this person REALLY wanted goverment out of her life, then she should move out of the USA. I think its a fairly even bet, that she wont do such a thing.

The video is chalked full moments like these, in which average citizens simply display a total lack of knowledge or wisdom.

Seriously, I am worried for my country. Not from the President. Our country got a good president, and its unfortunate those of conservative/republican persassion can not come to terms with reality. Rallies like this, are consititional gatherings at best, and quite scary at worst. The fringe really crave stuff like this.

The other observation on this video (and it may not be true), is the number of people who are not germanic-white decendants. There are no hispanics, or blacks, or even asians. They rail a president, not because of the issue, but due to his color. Like the color of his skin really makes a difference on how good one does the role at. Its the same arguement on whether someone is right or left handed. Red, black, brown, or blonde hair. Stubby short, or Oh-My-God-Your-Tall!

Finally, this issue can be taken up in congress. Yes, its well within constitutional rules. In fact, if you read Article 1, section 8:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"

"...provide from the common defense and GENERAL WELFARE of the United States." RIGHT THERE! A health nation is very much in our best interests. Healthy in our enviroment, religions, schools, drinking water, and yes, our bodies.


>> ^Mashiki:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
The DCFD PIO estimated the crowd at 60k-75k people.

They're not qualified to give out estimated crowd numbers. National Parks and Rec(search it and they are qualified) gave upwards of 1.2m, personally I'd put it at somewhere between 790k-1.2m, based on the 'presidential ticket estimate map' of 3.5sqft per person.

Took you up on your suggestion and did that search then looked for a site I felt I could trust to report honestly. Wound up with this TPM article:

Found echoes of these statements in other articles as well:

The DCFD has not officially given an estimate and the person from the DCFD who made the statement was neither authorized nor qualified to do so. Parks & Rec has not given any estimates despite reports of them claiming 1.5m - 2.0m. The only source I've found anyone giving for those claims was on Michelle Malkin's site who cited this. I still can't believe anyone would cite that as a source.

Conservatives are using pictures from different events to artificially inflate the crowd. They're also using photos of people marching to the Capitol several blocks away and pretending the crowd was packed solid from there to the Capitol.

Liberals are being just as dishonest, unsurprisingly, using photos from cleanup after the event and presenting them as the crowd at its peak.

I doubt we'll get a real estimate at this point. Even if we do, it'll be filtered through the exaggeration machine before it gets to us.


I doubt we'll get a real estimate at this point. Even if we do, it'll be filtered through the exaggeration machine before it gets to us.

Sigh - true enough. All I can really do is go with the overhead shots of the crowds that were taken LIVE. These did not show 'light' crowds, empty space, or a few isolated lunatic groups. The news feeds of the actual events on the day it happened showed pretty dense crowds that stretched out over 17 city blocks. Say what you like, but that kind of density in that setting makes it physically impossible for the crowd to just be '60 to 70K'. That kind of crowding is well into the hundreds of thousands. I'm sticking with my guesstimate of between 150-300K. I bet I'm more accurate than most folks with that figure...

Hahaha look at all the stupid people - oooo - I'm trembling in my boots for the future of America...

I had the very same reaction when I saw all the lunatics, freaks, idiots, morons, conspiracy theorists, and other nutcases at all the Iraq War protests. It is very easy to go to these kinds of big rallies and find the lunatic fringe. As I said before - the lunatic fringe ALWAYS loves to show up at big rallies wearing tin-foil hats and saying stupid stuff to get attention. It doesn't mean anything.

What surprises me is that neolib are SURPRISED about it. I honestly think that the neolib kook fringe believes that the neocon kook fringe is 'out there' - but that they are myopically unable to see just how 'out there' that they themselves are. They honestly think they are 'mainstream'. Neolib kooks are as much (or more) insane as the neocon kooks though.

Leave us not pretend that the appearance of the neocon kook fringe as a TINY percentage of the 9/12 protesters in any way represents the larger majority of the protesters who simply are concerned about the insane spending, deficits, and rapid increases in federal power. That is a neolib LIE (channeling Wilson). Just like it was a neocon LIE (Wilson) that the Iraq war protests were nothing but kooks. Yeah, both protests have kook fringes to zero in on, but the vast majority are just normal, everyday folks who are concerned about the direction of their country. I for one refuse to accept the propoganda that my fellow citizens are nothing but a bunch of insane lemmings. I tend to think the people as a whole are better than that.


This is why the republicans won't be in power in 2012. Not because their base contains so many wackos as this video so clearly shows...

..but because to many republicans in power agree with them.

To me it's a constant source of laughter. After 8 years of Bush and only 8 months of Obama, to see these people and FAUX News go so ape shit crazy after only 8 months! And the whole 'loosing our civil liberties' under Obama. Were all these people asleep over the last 8 years? No.. they are so heavily partisan they simply refused to acknowledge what was going on during that time.

And Obama = Hitler because he took over the banks? Hello, that was Bush's cronies that bailed out the banks, not Obama you retards. Don't you guys remember his economic leaders asking for billions and wanting no way it could be tracked and no details on how it would be spent?

Why don't they just outright say he's Satan or the 3rd anti-christ?

Oh thats right.. they already have.

As to people voting for him now leaving. They need to wake up and realize the mans not a god. He wasn't gonna change the country into butterflies and rainbows with a snap of his fingers and an Alakazam. The country was and remains in the second largest economic crisis in history. Things are bouncing back but they take time. I can agree that the mans not be as forceful as he should be at times, and tries perhaps to hard to be bipartisan when republicans fold their arms and go 'HUR!' like spoiled children. But let the man do what we elected him to do for Christ sakes. At least he is finally starting to get tough on health care reform. He's let republicans control the debate for to long. A strong silent majority want a public option and the vast majority of doctors in this country want one with extremely overwhelming numbers wanting reform at the LEAST.

It doesn't help that every single major news organization gives 24 hours a day coverage of tea parties and partisan bullshit. They need to cover the truth, not the debate. CNN is as much guilty as FOX.


I do agree with Winstonfield on this. It's easy to find a sample of nut jobs in such a large number of people. In fact, you can tell the interviewer is leading some of the protesters like the "DIPER" guy. He randomly asks what his thoughts on immigrants learning English. Why? It was a segue into how this guy is a hypocrite. Even though this guy wasn't there about immigrants speaking English.

All you need is the time, a mic, some balls, and some editing software and you can make any mass of people look like dipshits.


Imagine how hard it was for Fox News to make this mass of dips look like people.

I expect they learned how to do it from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, & ABC by witnessing how they whitewashed out all the kooks from the Iraq War protests. I remember all too well how the news media was all fired up to make Cindy Sheehan look like a normal person. But it was awfully hard when every time she opened her big mouth she proved conclusively that she was absolutely, 100%, fling-her-own-poo, batcrap insane.

As to people voting for him now leaving. They need to wake up and realize the mans not a god. He wasn't gonna change the country into butterflies and rainbows with a snap of his fingers and an Alakazam.

Uh - Obama is plummeting in the polls with independants, moderates, and other 'normal' voters NOT because he isn't acting fast enough. The reason Obama has lost main street is because he was elected by people who THOUGH he was going to be a restrained, moderate, non-partisan president. But his first 9 months have shown Obama to be pretty dang close to exactly what the 'kook right' said he was... A tax & spend, big government, socialist leaning radical. That's not what America wants.

They don't want his stupid carbon tax scheme. They don't want his stupid nationalization of car companies, financial companies, and everything else he wants to take over to 'keep us safe'. They don't want his stupid attempt to re-make the AFL-CIO. They don't want his stupid plan to socialize the health care industry. Every time Obama opens his mouth he proposes yet another big government, radically leftist federal boondoggle. Obama has increased our deficit by over a trillion dollars, and he still wants to implement even MORE massive government spending. The people have had it, and that's what this protest was about.

If Obama wants to go down in history as the most popular president of all time, then he needs to scrap Cap & Trade, scrap Obamacare, scrap his union garbage, and stop trying to push big government. If he would just do that and balance the budget & pay down the deficit then he'd be popular. But he doesn't want to DO that because he's a prisoner of his leftist radical philosophy.

Lower taxes. Smaller government. Balanced budget. That's what the people want. Obama is focusing on all the wrong crap and he's paying for it in the polls.


To the extent the lackeys of the Obamedia Michael Moore-nipulate these images, they spend an equal or greater amount of time hiding the moonbats, nutjobs and creeps that have overrun the left. Tax Cheat Geithner, Blarney Frank the Housing Collapse Architect, Bomb-Ayers, Rev. Wrong, Eric Holdork, Sotomexico, Van Joke, and the Fool Who Would Be King, all played down by this media that refuses to do the job.

The Obamarxists have failed outright to expose ACORN and now refuse to report how Congress recently gave those communists the boot.

The days of Walter Commiekite and the mainstream media stranglehold on information are over and good riddance.


These people's disturb me. They remind me of my mother's crazy church friends when I was a kid. They used to tell me that "The Lord is Coming Soon". I knew at 13 that they were nuts.


>> ^longde:
Why must you distort facts? It could not have been more than 100k, being generous. Unless you were downtown, you would not have known it was taking place. A protest of the size you are talking about would have locked up the city, for a little while at least. But it was business as usual.
Are you kidding? You can block up a city with 5000 people(if you're skimping as few as 2000), it's not that hard to do. Do a little thinking outside the box for a change. And having seen a city of 5m people blocked up by 10,000 without even trying, maybe I've got an idea on crowd estimates too.

Feel free to believe whatever you want.


When has business/activity in a city the size of Washington DC been blocked by 5000 people? It's not like a podunk town with one or two streets running through.

During the inauguration, it took a while to get from point A to point B, regardless of your mode of transportation. No hotels, except at 3x-4x the normal nightly rates.

The teabaggers didn't even overwhelm the Mall. The annual Black Family Reunion event was on the Mall, with several large tents and a stage.


Why lie about the numbers?

It was a sizable protest, even at tens of thousands. And received more attention than other, much larger gatherings in the past few years.


-rottenseed-"I do agree with Winstonfield on this. It's easy to find a sample of nut jobs in such a large number of people. In fact, you can tell the interviewer is leading some of the protesters like the "DIPER" guy. He randomly asks what his thoughts on immigrants learning English. Why? It was a segue into how this guy is a hypocrite. Even though this guy wasn't there about immigrants speaking English.

All you need is the time, a mic, some balls, and some editing software and you can make any mass of people look like dipshits."

AMEN to those with another opinion other than ↑↑ this ↑↑

BAD JOURNALISM ON EITHER SIDE OF WHO KNOWS THE FUCK WHAT?!..-Plain and simple ya dupes!!!! THESE PEOPLE ARE AS DUMB ASS AS THEIR DISSENTERS, for similar reasons otherwise unseen to them.


A group of Americans peacefully protesting. The people are peaceful, respectful and well informed. See Conservatives can look at the leaders on the left and intelligently conclude where this country will be if the LEFT remains in control.

The Left does not have the mental capacity of high level of thought.

If Bush was president and this was a Leftest gathering there would be Hitler pictures with with bushes face on it. Stupid thinking and dumb statements.

But not here at the Tea party gathering. AHHHHHH The Bliss


This would really be *eia* if a raging fire had consumed that crowd while the private, non-government fire departments and private police contractors scrabbled to see who they should save as per their insurance policies.

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