Terrifying CGI Furrie play-party used to sell Orange drink

I have no explanation for this. It scares me, but like an auto-wreck, I can't look away. Enjoy. dancing peacocks with boobs, busty octopus girl squeezing oranges, bear-with-loincloth, pole-dancing deer, nightmares for weeks.

I'm going along thinking "this is very, very odd, but whatever" and then the octopus-girl squeezed explosive Orangina out of her tits. Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.



btw, there's no way I'm not getting this: *nochannel *commercial *terrible *sexuality (I'll leave the others to someone else's opinion)


Much better than those commercials for the weird orange drink from Canada. I can't remember what it was called because I've blocked it out. Can anyone else recall the horror?


Orangina is great. I get it with my turkey club at this little italian bread place called Pane Fresco. The commercial is brilliant, creepily sensual, and does its job of being memorable.

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