Parenting level: ∞

This is how the school run should be done.

Me and my kids do this too, of course it's a parent/kid thing. The one that mostly sticks in my mind is when Little Lion Man came out and we'd all be singing at the top of our voices and find different words to use for "fucked it up this time", twas cute!


>> ^pumkinandstorm:

I wish this would happen in my car, but everytime I try to start something, everyone tells me to shut up.

i would too if only because this song has become the anthem for frat douche dicks the world over when the only part they know is the opera.

I love love love love love queen (i wouldve gone gay for freddie mercury) but ive come to hate hate hate hate hate this song.


I guess it's not quite related, but a friend of mine blasts the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah over the house intercom at 7am in the morning every Sunday to wake his family up. By the time it's done, everyone is down for breakfast.


I would upvote if he had his kids safely secured, like the youngest who should be in a harness at the least, or the front child who should be in a they grow up so dangerously quick... I would def agree, cute, but def *fail

Screw it, although dad isn't a safety expert, I will upvote for cuteness!

chingalerajokingly says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I wish this would happen in my car, but everytime I try to start something, everyone tells me to shut up.

i would too if only because this song has become the anthem for frat douche dicks the world over when the only part they know is the opera.
I love love love love love queen (i wouldve gone gay for freddie mercury) but ive come to hate hate hate hate hate this song.

Ewwwww! Freekish Freddy Overbite? There's gotta be someone cuter for your first time, dude? (and less promiscuous, please!)


>> ^smooman:

>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I wish this would happen in my car, but everytime I try to start something, everyone tells me to shut up.

i would too if only because this song has become the anthem for frat douche dicks the world over when the only part they know is the opera.
I love love love love love queen (i wouldve gone gay for freddie mercury) but ive come to hate hate hate hate hate this song.

What you hate is not this song, but white people (who don't come close to having pipes like Mercury) trying real hard to be gay by slaughtering it with a homophobic rendition sing-a-long styley in a car...there's a difference, and I feel your hate hate hate

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