Dolphin Gets Frisky With Woman in Pool


Interesting.. it's not really known if dolphins use pheromones for communication. Although, it has been suggested that males may detect female sexual receptivity using pheromone cues. Dolphins lack a sense of smell (no olfactory bulb in adults), and there is no known vomeronasal organ. So, these chemical cues would need to be picked up by the taste buds or some other sensory stucture.

The male is clearly aroused, but dolphins are so generally horny that it would be risky to assume that his behaviour is a direct result of any cues he's getting from that woman's crotch.


I wasn't even going to watch this until I saw the "DAMN NATURE..." description. Also, the sound effects remind me of an early 90s computer game, which is always worth a chuckle.

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