Cutting Down Your Own Tree - Not The Best Idea You Ever Had


What's funny is that he probably moved out to the sticks because he's a survival nut who thinks he's going to wait out the coming apocalypse using his wits and ingenuity.


Can't believe he didn't have a couple people on ropes, sure, you can make the right cuts so that the tree *should* fall in a certain direction, but the weight of the canopy is extremely difficult to gauge, as well as any unexpected winds...

The relatives cut down a twinned giant poplar hanging over their house last year, and I was on ropes, the tree definitely hovered after it was cut through, luckily we tied on high enough and had enough leverage to counter it from falling on the house even with the proper directional felling cuts made. My uncle was EXTREMELY happy he asked us to pull...


We'd hook em to a truck tow hitch, tie it up high, and put tension on the tree in the direction we want it to fall. Even then trees can do some strange things, like pop/slide off the stump instead of falling over like you'd expect. Don't think I would have been crazy enough to cut a tree that large and that close to a house in one big chunk like that.


This is why professional tree removers will top and trim a tree until it's down to a manageable size before falling it.>> ^Porksandwich:

We'd hook em to a truck tow hitch, tie it up high, and put tension on the tree in the direction we want it to fall. Even then trees can do some strange things, like pop/slide off the stump instead of falling over like you'd expect. Don't think I would have been crazy enough to cut a tree that large and that close to a house in one big chunk like that.


>> ^nanrod:

This is why professional tree removers will top and trim a tree until it's down to a manageable size before falling it.>> ^Porksandwich:
We'd hook em to a truck tow hitch, tie it up high, and put tension on the tree in the direction we want it to fall. Even then trees can do some strange things, like pop/slide off the stump instead of falling over like you'd expect. Don't think I would have been crazy enough to cut a tree that large and that close to a house in one big chunk like that.

Ya, all the branches would have been dropped, then the trunk comes down in nice, fireplace-sized chunks. That tree would have probably been a couple hundred dollars, or two flats of decent beer on a Friday after shift.

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