What Does the Fox Say

What DOES the fox say?

Another fake song wrapped around a dance mix sung by a 20'something model turned 'artist', who gets their voice from a computer program and lyrics written by a 2 year old.

WTF has happened to music?


I don't get it. Would you ask the same question when Weird Al Yankovic or Lonely Island comes out with a new song. It's suppose to be comedy, not a travesty of music. Am i missing something.


Another fake song wrapped around a dance mix sung by a 20'something model turned 'artist', who gets their voice from a computer program and lyrics written by a 2 year old.

WTF has happened to music?


I heard a fox "AIYEE!" last night. My kitty was stalking it.


Yes, was going to say, the fox says, "AIYEE!" Absolutely the most horrifying sound to hear out in the woods at night if you don't know what it is. Screech owls are a close second.


It's a rather clever deconstruction of contemporary pop music trends.

In my opinion they outdid most of Lonely Island's efforts; skewered the industry without needing profanity or sex jokes.*

* i like profanity and sex jokes


It sounds just like every nameless, soulless piece of shit song out there, which is kinda the point, I guess.

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