Tumbleweed Invasion!

"They're coming for YOU!"

nice one
how are quantities like this even possible?
must be pooling stuff together from a huge area
but i want to punch that kid in the mouth for fake-laughing that much


See them tumbling down
Pledging their love to the ground
Lonely but free I'll be found
Drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed

I'm a rovin' cowboy ridin' all day long
Tumbleweeds around me sing their lonely song
Nights underneath the prairie moon
I'll ride along and sing a tune

See them tumbling down
Pledging their love to the ground
Lonely but free I'll be found
Drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed

Cares of the past are behind
Nowhere to go but I'll find
Just where the trail will wind
Drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed

I know when night is gone
That a new world's born at dawn
I'll keep rolling along
Deep in my heart is a song
Here on the range I belong
Drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed

-Marty Robbins


God, shut the fuck up, you spastic, retarded kids! Thinking maybe we shouldn't have stopped for that motherfucking tub of laffy taffy at 7-11, huh? Good god. Take the candy away. Holy fucking shit!

Muting is advised.

Also, near the end, the driver runs over one and FREAKS THE FUCK OUT, swerving into the oncoming lane. WHY? It's a fucking dried up weed. If you're that freaked out by a tumbleweed getting close to your vehicle, perhaps you shouldn't be on the road, yeah? Perhaps that's the second mistake you made in your life--the first being having kids.


Wow, you can tell who doesn't have kids here!
I tell you, with all the screaming, fighting and wining between siblings, I long for the times when my kids will just giggle uncontrolably for long periods of time...

Likeing the Giggles!

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