This passed a city building inspection!

Published on Jan 23, 2015

Electrician comes across some disturbing wiring.

A great example of why you should only hire licensed and bonded electricians and plumbers, and never rely on the city's inspection to be sure they did things right and safely.
Being cheap and going with the lowest estimate often ends up more expensive and exponentially more frustrating.


That is astounding. I once saw a home improvement show where the contractor doing the reno of a kitchen turned off the breaker to the stove, only to find that the stove was still live. The previous guy who move the stove in the kitchen had basically wired the store directly into the mains. I think they had to cut filming while he went outside to lose his shit.

I am no electrician, but I had several uncles teach me the basics of wiring at a young age and it has served me well on the simple things around the house. Anything beyond that, I have an excellent electrical contractor that I use.


unless the contractor was hired to "burn the house down via an electrical fire" (homeowner commit insurance fraud), this is one of the biggest FAILs I've ever seen.

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