This makes me beyond uncomfortable...

Why climb on the outside?!

Some Google Translate work and a little deduction lead me to believe this is the Bridge to Russky Island which is nearing completion.

If I'm correct that puts them around 320 meters up; maybe slightly less if that includes the part of the pylons that is underwater.

Do we have any sifters that speak the language who might know better?


>> ^xxovercastxx:

They're using a fisheye lens to make it look more dangerous.
Not that there isn't plenty of danger, just pointing out that they've taken deliberate steps to exaggerate it.

Your link in your other post right after this kinda makes me say, "No, it's about as dangerous as it looks, even through the fisheye."


>> ^xxovercastxx:

Some Google Translate work and a little deduction lead me to believe this is the Bridge to Russky Island which is nearing completion.
If I'm correct that puts them around 320 meters up; maybe slightly less if that includes the part of the pylons that is underwater.
Do we have any sifters that speak the language who might know better?
In the video the kid said they were 350 meter high.


Going up that high in Crackdown (videogame) and jumping off made my stomach do funny things. Whenever I see people do it for real (apart from the jumping off bit) I shudder.

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