The newest “pentagon confirmed” UFO is Bokeh effect

New reference footage from night vision monoculars (including the military standard PVS-14) demonstrates pretty conclusively that the supposed flying pyramid UFO actually looks exactly like a slightly out of focus light in the sky - quite possibly just a plane, as the ship was right under a flight path for LAX.

Some of the other lights are identified as Jupiter and some stars.

I don't think that means the Navy got it terribly wrong. This was initially unidentified (with the UAP Task Force Investigates), and they maybe even thought it was a triangle for a few minutes. But it's not. It's just some lights in the sky.

Thanks to Jesse and Stian for the footage, and Dylan_DTV for finding the astronomy match.

Never say never. However, if we do already have Alien spacecrafts on Earth, we wouldn't be here sitting on our collective asses (no, I'm not going for the tired anal-probe joke) typing blissful comments on VS. We'd be long exterminated before we even notice them so they can take ownership of all of Earth's resources.


UFOs are real.
Alien spacecraft on earth are not.
The distances between stars make interstellar travel a pipe dream.


Dude, only 10% of Americans think cameras aren't witchcraft that'll steal your soul.


i swear only like 10% of the population can pronounce bokeh properly. rhymes with "okay".


I've tried to make the argument that aliens couldn't have possibly crashed on Earth, and that the whole idea is insane. So advanced aliens managed to acquire sufficient expertise at space travel to actually cross the unimaginably vast gulfs between stars, but they haven't figured out how planets and gravity work?

Maybe I should just give UFO believers copies of Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World" and tell them I'm willing to discuss after they read it.


UFOs are real.
Alien spacecraft on earth are not.
The distances between stars make interstellar travel a pipe dream.


Give them some slack, they're too deep into the rabbit hole. These people believe the Earth is flat. The sun revolves around us. The moon landing is staged. So of course it's natural that UFOs can't land. Perfectly logical to them!


I've tried to make the argument that aliens couldn't have possibly crashed on Earth, and that the whole idea is insane. So advanced aliens managed to acquire sufficient expertise at space travel to actually cross the unimaginably vast gulfs between stars, but they haven't figured out how planets and gravity work?

Maybe I should just give UFO believers copies of Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World" and tell them I'm willing to discuss after they read it.


Are you afraid they would abduct and dissect you?

Let me explain the stupidity.
Right wingers want to reopen all businesses especially resturaunts, virus or not, asap
Low wage businesses like restaurants can't reopen because low wage workers aren't returning. Thousands of immigrants that 4 years ago would have been granted refugee status would LOVE to serve you for minimum wage or less and pay taxes, but work visas and refugee status have all but disappeared under Trump and Biden hasn't fixed that yet.

The right's position as I understand it, get us back to work fast, but for fucks sake don't give visas to brown skinned low wage workers to get it done. True story!!

Side note- The southern border states were once Mexico, so we are the alien invaders here, not Mexicans.


Aliens are already here and they're crossing our southern border illegally. True story!!


if you say bouquet like you say okay but with a "B" tacked on the the beginning, you're right. if you say boookay then you're off.


I think it rhymes better with "bouquet".

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