The Day They Kicked God out of the Schools

Talk about dumbing down your message. Wait for 1:06 for the biggest WTF? in the video.

Funniest part.. "I think it (Absence of school prayer)started when Madeline..."

This Madeline woman wrote the constitution? Jesus..I must have missed that lesson in school... You'd think that lady would be on our money or something with an achievement like that under the waist of her sweatpants.


while they may have a point with some of the things mentioned in the end the comment about "you reap what you sow" still has nothing to do with god or religion, it has to do with parents not doing their job. funny thing is, i bet that most of the kids who perform acts of violence come from religious households. I wonder if there is a stat for that.


Question: Dear God... why must most of the people who believe in you be such complete fuck wads? Thank you

Answer: (......)

OOOOHH... That's right! HE DOESN'T EXIST! But people like this guy in the video are still morons.


"Bill Clinton got a blow job? So that's why there's child pornography!"

Ha! That's exactly the argument made in the video, and it is ridiculous in the extreme.

Hey Wumpus: a better question is "What part of that video is NOT nonsense?"


"downfall of schools in society isn't real humorous imho" it's not funny to me either. But that isn't what this video is about. This video is about blaming all our problems on the "separation between church and state" and that we now look down on "beating" children. It never really answers the question that it asks in the first place. Why didn't God help those children? According to this video it is partly because we don't beat our kids like we did in the good old days and because the President got a BJ in the White House.


"just be nice, or evil god will kill you" was much simpler than our laws.

on the upside reason, logic, common sense, and blind hatred improved, but at the expense of morality.

was it worth it ?, i think so. It took forever to remove religion as the driving force of society, hopefully improving morality back up to where it was wont be such a long deal.

my 2 cents.


"a better question is 'What part of that video is NOT nonsense?'"

How about this, raising children in a society that placates to political correctness where there are no standards and no judgments on bad behavior. This video not not specifically about God being removed from schools, it's saying that it was the beginning of a downward slide. It is not that God will keep your kids in line out of some supernatural fear but religion sets a standard of behavior and that there are certain things expected of you. When you remove the standards, you also remove any guidelines that children need in order to grow up with any sense of right and wrong.

Any critical thinker can take any one of these points in the video and see that they all have some adverse consequence. Seriously ask yourself what possible good can come of removing physical discipline or any disipline for that matter when the situation warrants it? What good can come of allowing underage students to have abortions and not have to inform parents? If you want to take Clinton episode and analyze it, the moment when he engaged in an extra-sexual affair outside of his marriage and lied about it, got caught and defended it; that behavior became acceptable. After all if our leaders can engage in this behavior and come away with no consequences, it must be perfectly all right for anyone else to to it. When you lie under oath and get away with it publicly, it sends a message of acceptance to the population. It was wrong when Clinton did it, and it was wrong when Libby did it.

I could go on.


WUMPUS... what group of americans has the largest divorce rate in the country ?
answer: fundamentalist christians (baptist).
who do they blame that on ?
perhaps they should read the Old Testament where they would find that the penalty for divorce (and just about anything else ) was death.
this video cherry picks the bible (like usual) to support its false and nonsensical claims.
there are no links of evidence between anything the narrator asserts.
oh yeah


We'd rather have a president who cheats on his wife in the oval office than a president who's corrupt and incompetent while on the job in the oval office.

Republicans have to acknowledge that if they want to be seen as not crazy.


"We'd rather have a president who cheats on his wife in the oval office than a president who's corrupt and incompetent while on the job"

In the case of Clinton, those two things were not mutually exclusive the last time I checked...


"I could go on."

Don't. Your words are poison.

Man forged God in the depths of his lowest animal needs. As such God's laws are a reflection and rationalisation of man's inherent inclinations, reinforcing the attitudes and prejudices impressed on us by millions of years under the cruel yoke of natural selection. Humanity's innate morality is nothing but a grim evolutionary survival strategy: Be monogamous - a child with two parents has a better chance of surviving to pass on their genes. Don't slack off or steal - far better to increase the productivity of your community, giving an advantage to your relatives and the genes they carry. Love your family and spouse - protect your offspring and means to produce more. Don't be gay! - Gay people won't have children and are effectively worthless from an evolutionary perspective. And on and on.

Some of the conclusions are right, accidentally, and others are wrong, but they all lie on a shoddy foundation. The best stratagem is not always the ethical one; witness the spectacular efficacy of napalm. On the surface it may appear obedience to our nature and divine law works as well as true, self-realised, morality - it keeps us relatively safe and comfortable, but consider the repercussions of predicating all decisions on either the unfit tool of instinct or religious ideas inherited from peers and unexamined critically, themselves of course only distillations and perversions of instinct. In other words imagine a person acting wholly from irrationality (that is, the average person); at best such a person is utterly amoral. You may as well flip a coin.

Our instincts betray us, but liberation is at hand; freedom from the natural order is achieved by mankind's unique percipience - reason. Reason is our salvation and the true path to ethics. To achieve righteousness it is necessary to cast aside the lie of instinct and religion.

Logic leads quickly and directly to the principle of self-ownership. That's the principle we should be teaching our children. Not an oppressive standard of behaviour to which they must adhere, but a solid foundation on which to build with the bricks and mortar of experience and reason, the substances of truth.


'Reply: Dear Concerned Student,

I am the one true God, and my powers are Awesome. But I'm not allowed in schools... which means your teachers don't get to smack you around when you misbehave, you get free condoms, and you will never understand why murder is wrong.


P.S. Actually, I'm just a film producer speaking for God, who doesn't care to comment on our situation right now.'


1) Despite its flaws, this vid struck a nerve with the nihilists, and with good reason.

The children of the Greatest Generation were hippie idiots who have spawned generations of moral nihilists.

Atheists--who are not even 10% of the American population--can argue against God all day, but the fact remains religion and the basis of societal order are intertwined.

The Worst Generation was failed by their parents, perhaps too tired after fighting World War 2 to do much...the WG repaid them by failing to instill discipline, ethics, critical thinking and morals in proper fashion to kids of the 70s, 80s and 90s, and now we're paying the price with all these knucklehead yoots trying to emulate barbaric "role models".

The yoots who are going to make it are the ones who disavow moronic government school brainwashing and the feelsgood-liberal-nihilist complex.

Liberal hippie spawn are now The Establishment and conservatives are now the rebels.

2) I like the hot girl with the legs.


Man, a lot of you are getting really worked up over this. I agree with the not being able to spank your kids part, but the rest of that clip was pretty... out there. Made me laugh like hell, though, so upvote!


Wow, yeah, this was one of the funniest videos I've seen in a while. I am somewhat surprised at how seriously some of you are taking this. I don't take this video very seriously, because the arguments are very poorly constructed, and thus, hilarious.

"religion sets a standard of behavior... " - Wumpus

Although, this quotation is one I must disagree with, at least partially. Religion does set some kind of moral standard. Problem is, it really isn't the best one. Religion gives you a set of rules and punishes disobedience. However, if you use logic instead, and form your own morality based on the environment around you, your morals will become more solid, as every 'rule' will have a reasoning behind it. Self-enforced morals are usually stronger than externally enforced morals, because you would have arrived at the morals through your own reasoning.


QM: I'm not a nihilist. It's a favorite ploy of conservative (faux) philosophers to pretend that everyone who disagrees with them must be some sort of relativist. Wrong. We just think the particular brand of objective morality you've settled on is really fucking stupid.

Wumpus: You seem--from your post--to be thinking in terms of false dichotomies. For example, you seem to think our only choices are:

1) Keeping your pet God/prayer/religion in public schools to serve as some kind of standard

2) Abandoning all standards whatsoever.

I believe this is a silly way to think about the issue. You seem like a sensible person, so maybe I've misinterpreted you. But if not, I'd advise you to do a little more of that critical thinking you mentioned.


"Self-enforced morals are usually stronger than externally enforced morals, because you would have arrived at the morals through your own reasoning."

But where are you going to get these self-enforced morals? What's your moral base? What's your compass? As responsible citizens we have a duty to act in the interest of the greater good; so to speak. And to a certain degree, there is room for interpretation and comparison. When you find yourself in a morally or ethically compromised position, who/what/where do you turn to for guidance that will help you do the right thing and be a better person? I'm not saying that you have to be religious to do it, but it helps. As a matter of personal reflection, who you hold your self up to as a measure of personal measurement?

To touch on Tofumar's response,
1)Yes I do believe that religion does serve as a standard of behavior but what the public schools can't to is impose a religious value set on its students, but they can't forbid its students from practicing their religion freely (as long as it doesn't disrupt normal operation of said school).

2) What this video is trying to show is that there has been a slow and gradual erosion of traditional values and standards in our society. You may not realize it (depending on your age), but you should talk to someone who was in school 30 or 40 years ago and see how life has changed. We have continually lowered that bar of what we call "acceptable behavior" and every time someone comes to the table with a complaint of how they think things should be done in school, the school always caves. It's a small sample of the greater problem of how children are being set-up for failure in the future by always expecting less of them. And whenever there is an episode of some horrific act of student violence, it never happens in a vacuum. It is always preceded by a systematic chain of failure by the people around them, which includes but is not limited to the schools.


We don't need a Christian God in schools in order to teach people how to behave. This is another example of Christians trying to ram their narrow-minded beliefs down everybody's throat, and acting like poor little victims when their actions are resisted.


Psh. Pulease. How can I take any of this seriously when these idiots show Alaska just west of MEXICO?!?? Psh. Psh! Isn't this supposed to be about EDUCATION?!?! These kids don't need a bible in school. They need a MAP!



"Liberal hippie spawn are now The Establishment and conservatives are now the rebels."

Grouchy old men have been saying much the same generation-gap after generation-gap for millennia....your forefathers would say the same about your generation, and further back, they'd be thoroughly shocked and offended at all of us. The only concept most self-named "conservatives" are rebelling against is progress. Why? Because they fear change, usually because they are just stuck in their bygone heyday when the world was their oyster, and most of the societal rules made sense to them. Boo-hoo.

It matters not, the Wheel grinds forward over the bones of those unable to adapt.


while they may have a point with some of the things mentioned in the end the comment about "you reap what you sow" still has nothing to do with god or religion, it has to do with parents not doing their job. funny thing is, i bet that most of the kids who perform acts of violence come from religious households. I wonder if there is a stat for that.

Well, I can give you a few interesting numbers:

US General Population:
Christian - 75%
Nonreligious - 10%

US Prison Population
Christian - 75%
Nonreligious - 0.2%

Hmmm . . . what about that whole "atheists/agnostics have no concept of morality" argument? Though maybe the nonreligious are just better at hiding their crimes, since the average religious person has an IQ of roughly 95, with the IQ getting lower the more religious you are (i.e., negatively correlated), and the average nonreligious person has an IQ of around 115 (one standard deviation higher than average).


(not about the IQ thing--that's true; I meant crime-hiding)

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