The Dark Knight Rises - Full Trailer

The first full trailer for The Dark Knight Rises

Anne Hathaway and Marion Cotillard, two of the most overrated actresses of the past few years (with an exception for Cotillard in "La Môme"). This trailer makes this last B-man look terribly disappointing.


>> ^hpqp:

Anne Hathaway and Marion Cotillard, two of the most overrated actresses of the past few years (with an exception for Cotillard in "La Môme"). This trailer makes this last B-man look terribly disappointing.

Did we watch the same thing? This is one of the best trailers I've seen in ages. *quality!


>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^hpqp:
Anne Hathaway and Marion Cotillard, two of the most overrated actresses of the past few years (with an exception for Cotillard in "La Môme"). This trailer makes this last B-man look terribly disappointing.

Did we watch the same thing? This is one of the best trailers I've seen in ages. quality!

Of course, I hope I am wrong about the film. I very much enjoyed the previous one.


The explosions on the football field were truly, truly terrible. How can such a big budget film, with such a pedigree, have a such obviously CG effect.


I'm hoping the film is good, but that bit looks just flat out crap.


In its defense, it's not finished (still filming possibly, or at least just wrapped). There are scenes in there that clearly have yet to get a full CG pass... For example, the Batwing at the end, I heard that would be getting CG rotor blades in post-production, and its windows look like they were made of plastic... There's plenty of time for CG polish...
>> ^spoco2:

The explosions on the football field were truly, truly terrible. How can such a big budget film, with such a pedigree, have a such obviously CG effect.
I'm hoping the film is good, but that bit looks just flat out crap.


My problem with the Batman films is that apart from getting worse each time, along with Nolan's other films, Batman himself is frequently positioned at the periphery.

The CGI football field is a good example of a scene that looks crap and probably won't make much sense in the finished film.

And Bale isn't a great choice to play Bats. All I see is Bale doing another action role. There isn't much of a performance going on there.

Oh well, they could always reboot.


In defence of the explosions, would the charges not be under the ground and thus behave more or less as depicted? They would blast up earth and grass but the pyrotechnics would be hidden?


Meh. After the great performances by Heath Ledger as the Joker and Aaron Eckhart as Twoface, Bane and Catwoman seem like a letdown. But I'll probably go see it anyways, based purely on the strength of the previous movies.


>> ^Deano:

In defence of the explosions, would the charges not be under the ground and thus behave more or less as depicted? They would blast up earth and grass but the pyrotechnics would be hidden?

exactly! since when does dirt explode and catch on fire


They are rebooting Batman again after this as this closes this series down. Some say to lead up to a JLA movie.

>> ^Deano:

My problem with the Batman films is that apart from getting worse each time, along with Nolan's other films, Batman himself is frequently positioned at the periphery.
The CGI football field is a good example of a scene that looks crap and probably won't make much sense in the finished film.
And Bale isn't a great choice to play Bats. All I see is Bale doing another action role. There isn't much of a performance going on there.
Oh well, they could always reboot.


>> ^RFlagg:

They are rebooting Batman again after this as this closes this series down. Some say to lead up to a JLA movie.
>> ^Deano:
My problem with the Batman films is that apart from getting worse each time, along with Nolan's other films, Batman himself is frequently positioned at the periphery.
The CGI football field is a good example of a scene that looks crap and probably won't make much sense in the finished film.
And Bale isn't a great choice to play Bats. All I see is Bale doing another action role. There isn't much of a performance going on there.
Oh well, they could always reboot.

You're not joking are you? That's the first I've heard that. It wouldn't surprise me given what Hollywood is capable of.


>> ^Deano:

In defence of the explosions, would the charges not be under the ground and thus behave more or less as depicted? They would blast up earth and grass but the pyrotechnics would be hidden?

No, it's nothing to do with there not being fire etc. It's to do with it looking REALLY like CGI. Really poorly composited, really 'unreal', really... just crap.


>> ^hpqp:

Anne Hathaway and Marion Cotillard, two of the most overrated actresses of the past few years (with an exception for Cotillard in "La Môme"). This trailer makes this last B-man look terribly disappointing.

Have to say i'm not a fan of the potential characters in the film nor those 2 actresses. I liked the first 2 and i think christopher nolan is very bankable right now, so i hope i'm surprised!


This isn't coming out for quite awhile, this was simply a rushed Christmas present as I see it (I really think this is a rushed trailer, because they just barely released a trailer and it was basically one scene and very short). The timing just seems odd due to the last trailer. I think it's going to take another three-four months of rehashing and a lot more retouching to get a better trailer out there. Like people have said this STILL has to go through post-production, the part that gets rid of lots of the things you're upset about-like crappy CGI (at the stadium and the Batwing). The point of view used at the stadium is a problem, but they undertook it.

Although I do hope Catwoman turns out better than the small bits I've seen, CGI can be changed in a day, but acting...


>> ^dag:

Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.


>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

What about Uwe Boll?


>> ^Deano:

My problem with the Batman films is that apart from getting worse each time, along with Nolan's other films, Batman himself is frequently positioned at the periphery.
The CGI football field is a good example of a scene that looks crap and probably won't make much sense in the finished film.
And Bale isn't a great choice to play Bats. All I see is Bale doing another action role. There isn't much of a performance going on there.
Oh well, they could always reboot.

Just so it's known my downvote on @Deano 's comment was an "oopsy".


>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.

But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.


>> ^Deano:

My problem with the Batman films is that apart from getting worse each time, along with Nolan's other films, Batman himself is frequently positioned at the periphery.
The CGI football field is a good example of a scene that looks crap and probably won't make much sense in the finished film.
And Bale isn't a great choice to play Bats. All I see is Bale doing another action role. There isn't much of a performance going on there.
Oh well, they could always reboot.

I'm sorry but are you an idiot? In no way is Batman Begins better than Dark Knight. Not in any conceivable fucking way. Dark Knight is one of the greatest action movies ever made...I rank it up there with Terminator 2...and that had a stupid moron for a kid in it.

Bale ain't the best Bat but would you rather have ANY of the other bats that there have been? I wouldn't, they all sucked.


>> ^direpickle:

>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.



Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

No. Didn't like inception or the Batman flicks. Here's how I would describe Nolan movies: darkness and contrived plots masking a lack of depth and character development. Although Inception tried to be a thought provoking film - in the end there was not a lot there.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^direpickle:
>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.



>> ^dag:

No. Didn't like inception or the Batman flicks. Here's how I would describe Nolan movies: darkness and contrived plots masking a lack of depth and character development. Although Inception tried to be a thought provoking film - in the end there was not a lot there.

Nope it's a fine film. There's not many big budget films that are EVER that good. There's just some people that are snobs about films and will find problems with every fucking thing. I choose to see the good in something as usual and enjoy it for what it is.

You probably couldn't watch Buffy without vomiting which makes you a bastard.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^direpickle:
>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.


Personal attacks are in violation of item 38 in the FAQ. I'm more than happy to hobble you if you continue.
Maybe I suggest you take yourself off to YouTube or other similar community where comments like yours are more welcomed.

[edit] Apparently I can only ban. Hmmm.


This is Tom Hardy, the actor who plays Bane as Shinzon from the hilariously awful Star Trek Nemesis.

Note the goth "Rainbow Brite" outfit and Dr. Evil similarities.

The character Bane is 6'8" and 350 lbs. Hardy is barely 5'10".

I continue getting high now...


>> ^quantumushroom:

This is Tom Hardy, the actor who plays Bane as Shinzon from the hilariously awful Star Trek Nemesis.
Note the goth "Rainbow Brite" outfit and Dr. Evil similarities.
The character Bane is 6'8" and 350 lbs. Hardy is barely 5'10".

I continue getting high now...

This is the problem I had with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Although Jackman was pretty great, he's 6'3" and Wolverine is like 5'5"!

But they didn't have any idea what was going on cause in the 3rd movie they killed Cyclops and that just isn't done...ever.


>> ^Deano:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^direpickle:
>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.


Personal attacks are in violation of item 38 in the FAQ. I'm more than happy to hobble you if you continue.
Maybe I suggest you take yourself off to YouTube or other similar community where comments like yours are more welcomed.
[edit] Apparently I can only ban. Hmmm.

I think it's funny that I have NO idea who you are or where you came from. I've been pretty active in this community. If you can't take it that's fine but don't pretend like you're ridding the community of someone who's unwanted.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Deano:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^direpickle:
>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.


Personal attacks are in violation of item 38 in the FAQ. I'm more than happy to hobble you if you continue.
Maybe I suggest you take yourself off to YouTube or other similar community where comments like yours are more welcomed.
[edit] Apparently I can only ban. Hmmm.

I think it's funny that I have NO idea who you are or where you came from. I've been pretty active in this community. If you can't take it that's fine but don't pretend like you're ridding the community of someone who's unwanted.

It's not you who's unwanted. It is those kinds of remarks and ad hom comment.

I see from your profile you claim to be 28 years old. I'd normally assume someone of that age would be able to understand people can have differences of opinion and respect that. To go off on people because they don't share your enthusiasm for a particular superhero movie is frankly embarrassing.

That's why I suggest there are other flame-friendly venues if acting maturely is beyond you.


disclaimer: I am a batman fan, I have a whole shelf full of Batman graphic novels so take what I say with a grain of salt

I really enjoyed both Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. I thought both stories were well told and well shot. Ironically, I felt the best parts of both movies was when Batman wasn't on screen. Bales "bat-voice" just didn't really work, and I didn't feel they captured the detective or martial artist aspects of the character that well.

I would actually say that the Arkham Asylum/City games are the best representation of my idea of Batman in any medium. The threefold split between predator, fighting and puzzle solving is the essence of Batman to me.

As for this, I think it will be more of the same. I am expecting a good story and a technically well executed film (although I agree with Deano, I thought the football field looked rubbish as soon as I say it).

That said, it is telling that in 130 seconds of trailer, there is about 4 seconds with Batman in it.


>> ^Deano:

>> ^Yogi:
I don't care.

I think that response is revealing. A pity, I'm just trying to converse rationally with you but clearly that isn't possible.

Because you're went straight from a threat to trying to be diplomatic? Nope sorry, we're done, I don't care anymore if you live or die.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Deano:
>> ^Yogi:
I don't care.

I think that response is revealing. A pity, I'm just trying to converse rationally with you but clearly that isn't possible.

Because you're went straight from a threat to trying to be diplomatic? Nope sorry, we're done, I don't care anymore if you live or die.

There need to be boundaries to define what is acceptable and what is not. I've merely explained that strictly speaking you're breaking the rules and basically behaving like a dick.

And clearly diplomacy has never crossed your mind. Thanks for your kind words.


Chill the fuck out, and stop these ad hominems immediately or someone else will do it for you. >> ^Yogi:

>> ^Deano:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^direpickle:
>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^dag:
Not a Batman fan. I do not like that Chris No-lan. I do not like it Sam I am.

You didn't like Inception? Or anything ever done? Even I end up liking hated directors in at least a few movies, because they do make so many movies. To each their own.

I thought Inception was kinda the most overrated thing I've seen by him.
But, I don't hate him. Much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight, though.


Personal attacks are in violation of item 38 in the FAQ. I'm more than happy to hobble you if you continue.
Maybe I suggest you take yourself off to YouTube or other similar community where comments like yours are more welcomed.
[edit] Apparently I can only ban. Hmmm.

I think it's funny that I have NO idea who you are or where you came from. I've been pretty active in this community. If you can't take it that's fine but don't pretend like you're ridding the community of someone who's unwanted.

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