By taking one single picture of Jupiter each time it rotates, the planet appears to sit still, while the motion of all the cloud layers becomes evident.
From Youtube:
This is the original Voyager 'Blue Movie' (so named because it was built from Blue filter images). It records Voyager 1's approach during a period of over 60 Jupiter days. Notice the difference in speed and direction of the various zones of the atmosphere. The interaction of the atmospheric clouds and storms shows how dynamic the Jovian atmosphere is.
As Voyager 1 approached Jupiter in 1979, it took images of the planet at regular intervals. This sequence is made from 66 images taken once every Jupiter rotation period (about 10 hours). This time-lapse movie uses images taken every time Jupiter longitude 68W passed under the spacecraft. These images were acquired in the Blue filter from Jan. 6 to Feb. 3 1979. The spacecraft flew from 58 million kilometers to 31 million kilometers from Jupiter during that time.
This time-lapse movie was produced at JPL by the Image Processing Laboratory in 1979.
deathcowGaseous Turbulence, Man!
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Nice. I think I can see the spore lights of the blimp people.
gwiz665It looks like a water surface with gunk in it. Crazy to think that the "eye" itself is bigger than earth. is awesome
cybrbeastFull color Jupiter cloud animation:
deathcowOK lol that one is cooler... search for that one on YT and post it!
kevin143says...More color plz
kronosposeidonWell if Jupiter is so cool, then why doesn't it have rings like
KronosSaturn?I rest my case, your honor.
siftbotThis video has been flagged as being less than 1 minute in length - declared brief by kronosposeidon.
kronosposeidon*vintage too. '70s, baby!
siftbotAdding video to channels (Vintage) - requested by kronosposeidon.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'jupiter, timelapse, freeze rotation, clouds' to 'jupiter, timelapse, freeze rotation, clouds, voyager, blue movie, 70s' - edited by kronosposeidon
nach0ssays...I don't know, the vid showing asteroids colliding with Jupiter was pretty badass.
StukaFoxsays...IT'S COMIN' RIGHT FOR US!!
entr0py>> ^kronosposeidon:
Well if Jupiter is so cool, then why doesn't it have rings like
KronosSaturn?I rest my case, your honor.
Oh yeah, it's got those. Jupiter is pretty much the most awesome planet there ever was.
Case closed.
srdPersonally, I prefer Uranus:
ReverendTed>> ^srd:
Personally, I prefer Uranus:
That's what she said?
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