Synchronized Neighborhood Christmas Lights

An entire neighborhood synchronized their Christmas lights to music. I feel like this will win the prize this year.

I would guess that each outlet/light string is plugged into/through a remote control switch that operates wirelessly, and each house uses their own electricity, but I could be wrong.


How can this be real, They'd have to all be plugged into one outlet.... I don't think they make fuses that strong!


No they wouldn't. They just have to be synchronized properly with controllers/switches. Completely separate from the electricity. Maybe timers or some kind of wi fi control programmed switches(not at all my field of expertise) , Not really sure but ill bet my lunch money each house was electrically wired up to there own power. Can you imagine the load that would put on one house. Would i think have to rewire the electrical to accommodate the amperage of the total of all that (the amperage from the audio alone would be insane). I however leave open the possibility i am wrong about much of this


How can this be real, They'd have to all be plugged into one outlet.... I don't think they make fuses that strong!


There are a few things that seem off...mostly that I'd expect one hell of a lot more traffic if this were real. Doesn't mean it's manipulated, but I'm kind of leaning that way.

Although if it's real, I'd really like to know who paid for all the hardware.


Why would there be "a hell of a lot more traffic?" It's in a neighborhood. At dusk. The one or two cars you see are cruising around slowly checking out the cool show from the ground. How is that hard to believe?

You guys are all paranoid fuckers. Lay off the herbs.


What, you don't think new and unusual attractions draw onlookers? What fucking world do -you- live in?

The highly-decorated houses of my childhood back in the late '60s would have most of their street blocked by families who drove over to gawk at them. People haven't changed since then, believe it or not.


Why would there be "a hell of a lot more traffic?" It's in a neighborhood. At dusk. The one or two cars you see are cruising around slowly checking out the cool show from the ground. How is that hard to believe?

You guys are all paranoid fuckers. Lay off the herbs.


There's also the possibility (I really don't know) that this is the first lighting, and that's why the designer decided to take some drone footage. Once it's darker, and word gets out, it might end up being a parking lot.


#1 Its not fake.
#2 this is probably one of the first couple of full runs, no one but the home owners even know about it.
#3 It is not actually that difficult. The kits to synchronize these lights have been out for a decade now. In a case like this I would;

a) Get permission to handle everyones lights for the year.
b) Using the same kit, I wouldn't get too fancy, gutter icicles, trees, garage outlines, not much more for each house.
c) only need to make one routine, this routine can then be loaded into all houses with only the need to tweak the strands of lights used in each group.
e) syncing would be no problem with an internet aware kit that synchs its internal clock online.

The place turns into kind of a strobe mess because there are not many types of light groups to alternate between, but that can wait for next year. Great effort.


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