"He fired FBI director Comey when he was faced with evidence of...of...of.....that was unignorable now"....that can only mean 'faced with evidence that his administration is guilty of colluding with Russia', right?

say what you will,but conway just has the super power of:
"i know you are,but what am i?"
"i know you are,but what am i?"
"i know you are,but....ah you guys get the idea.


Why do people even bring her on shows anymore?

"Tonight we were going to talk to Kellyanne Conoway, but then we all looked at each other and thought we would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than talk to her again, so we are going to interview this potted plant."


I guess for the same reason this was sifted, her stunning incompetence is a spectacle to behold.

You could say she doesn't belong on a news show, but there's always the chance she will say something incriminating or illegal. She could fail so hard that it's newsworthy.


Why do people even bring her on shows anymore?

"Tonight we were going to talk to Kellyanne Conoway, but then we all looked at each other and thought we would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than talk to her again, so we are going to interview this potted plant."


There are millions of people in Ohio who believe Hillary is an alien who runs a pedophile sex ring from a pizza parlor. No,,,really. Google pizzagate. The greatest danger to America,is conservatism. And the ignorance it breeds.


Ignorance i'd say is not fully owned by conservatives (the right). I've seen it coming from Liberals (far left) also. Ignorance doesn't play favorites. It don't give a fuck what your political leaning are

(edit) although (imo) it does appear that a large number of "Conservatives" these days bathe in it.


The greatest danger to America,is conservatism. And the ignorance it breeds.

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