Slayer Goes To Church

Holy shit.

+666 votes (if I could)

Perfect. Absolutely perfect. There is nothing 'wrong' with this at all. It is just pure hilarity. Even without the Slayer Angel of Death soundtrack, it would still be hilarious, but the soundtrack just makes it all the better. Sooo much better.


This isn't a coincidence. People go to this type of service and heavy metal concerts for the same reason and get the same high from it.

I never would have thought of making a mashup to point this out. Good job!


>> ^jbaber:

This isn't a coincidence. People go to this type of service and heavy metal concerts for the same reason and get the same high from it.
I never would have thought of making a mashup to point this out. Good job!

I haven't thought of it that way but you are so right. Both seek that high, that rush of endorphins and adrenaline. It isn't the rush of 'gods presence' it's the rush of chemicals to the brain.


Heh.. reminds me of a book I want to pick up (The Rational Optimist) that coined the phrase 'Apocaholic'. People like these who constantly think the apocalypse is just around the next corner, people who are looking forward to the end of the world and every time a new dooms day appears they are ecstatic for the return of Jesus Christ. Apocaholics, every last one of them.


Nice, I was freaked out when I went to church with a friend when I was younger, they were speaking in tongues and jumping and rolling on the floor... This makes it much more enjoyable =)

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