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Second Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates Ad


You know... I'm not entirely sure they work as an 'ad' as such, but I like them. They are really amusing to me on many levels.

I guess if their intent is to give a more 'friendly' and 'human' face to Microsoft it kinda works, except, well... Bill Gates isn't the CEO anymore, scaryface Ballmer is, and, to me... he's nothing but a used car salesman.


Was it all filmed into several 4-5 minute episodes? Because this seems like Episode 2, whereas we've only seen one part of Episode 1, which is why there seems like a big gap between the first episode and this one. Typical Microsoft to screw up on user understanding though.

But I think this one works if the goal is give Microsoft a lighter image. I like how they don't attack Apple as well.


This leaves me with only two theories:

1) MS has just wasted a ton of money on one serious fail of an ad campaign.
2) The ad agency thought it was a good idea to start off lame so that people are impressed with mediocre finale.

The shame is that if we are looking at #1 all that time and money may have simply been spent to re-brand Seinfeld as a has-been.


Haha 100 million? That's absurd.

A 1,7 second google revealed that 100% of the hits said 10 million, which is a plausible number.

This is okay, they're trying to match Apple's hipness.. which they won't. Everything they make is fundementally flawed.


Coming soon: MS Ping Pong.

Either that, or MS Stiff the Delivery Boy with relics.


Hee hee, "grotesque". I agree with MG's call, it's good for *shortfilms


awww, I wanted to hear Bill Gates talk more about Polymorphism. (Really, I did!) . I'd say the monster in that story is needlessly complex inheretance structures!


>> ^charliem:
Polymorphism is the bane of anti-virus heuristics.

Heh weird. But seriously, polymorphism its fantastic when your software design calls for an exponentially iterative node callback.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

As Peggy in Mad Men would say - when you think an ad isn't working on you - that's when it is.

MS is establishing a narrative to connect with you personally. A continuing story to get you interested in Bill Gates and Jerry's quest. It's a parable with Gates symbolically representing Windows. And believe you me, by the end of it all, the message of "you actually like Vista" will be transmitted personally to your brain, loud and clear.

MS are not stupid - nor are their ad people. (OK except for that Office dinosaur schlock. That was stupid)


A parable eh. They should have hired sam elliott to do a voiceover like in The Big Lebowski. The Dude abides.

What was that top secret game they were playing @1:40???


You've got to remember Windows has always been targeting a much more mass market than Apple. They don't want to match Apple's hipness, they just want a lighter image. And using Seinfeld will certainly grab people's attention.

I hate it when people act like Apple's the leader in everything.


>> ^Abducted:
>> ^Raigen:
>> ^lertad:
I hate it when people act like Apple's the leader in everything.

^ This. A hundred, thousand, gajillion times.

^Times infinity!

I've actually never heard someone say that Apple was the leader in everything.

Whether you're a PC or Mac user, it's pretty undeniable that Apple's attention to design of the hardware, and their advertising campaigns are a cut above the rest. The entire i___ (iPhone, iChat, ietc.) concept caught on like a wildfire across every spectrum of the computer industry, and even staplers and tape-dispensers started coming in an array of iMac like colors. Even many PC case manufacturers did it.

But "leader in everything" is not a claim I've ever heard anyone make.


lertad: "I hate it when people act like Apple's the leader in everything."

Or anything.

"Whether you're a PC or Mac user, it's pretty undeniable that Apple's attention to design of the hardware, and their advertising campaigns are a cut above the rest."

Crashes are almost always due to poor software coding or hardware problems. This is the case regardless of your platform. Everyone knows about the BSOD, thus Apple uses this to pretend like their machines are perfect and PCs are not.

Apple's advertising makes me taste vomit. A brick to my face would be more subtle AND more entertaining. But no matter what you think, advertising doesn't mean shit.

Talking about how their hardware lines are popular is like saying that a PC is the best computer because PC's own the marketplace. If this line of thinking were true, there would be no Apple.

The koolaid drinkers need no help with making excuses.

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