Rick Santorum would reinstitute "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

See also: http://videosift.com/video/Santorum-I-Condemn-The-People-Who-Booed-That-Gay-Soldier

5min.com: Former Sen. Rick Santorum called the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" "social experimentation" and said he would reinstitute the policy.

By "special privileges" do you mean "equal rights" Mr. Santorum?

Saying that one group's sexual orientation needs to be suppressed only gives special privileges to heterosexual service people.


DADT policy relates to the suppression of any sexuality that is not hereo-sexuality.
If someone in the military claims they are gay, or bisexual, they would get the boot under this policy.

But running around claiming you like to bury your face in the opposite sex's crotch, well thats just fine.

To not see this as minority supression, is to not be living in reality.


Dan Savage's blog post about this:

Let Us Pause Now to Consider the Shit Storm...
Posted by Dan Savage on Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 6:51 AM

...that would have ensued if a group of Democrats running for president stood silent—literally said nothing—while a left-leaning crowd at a presidential debate booed an active-duty soldier currently serving in Iraq.


If you believe that homosexuality is an invented choice, probably initiated by Satan to undermine all that is good and right, then it isn't a matter of basic equality. It's something that needs to be fought, by of course letting Jesus into your life, etc. As much as we believe they're delusional, and possibly dangerous, they think exactly the same thing about those on the other side of the argument.

So where does that leave reason and debate?


I don't get it. I thought DADT was basically a way of saying "you can be in the military as long as you don't say you're gay"?

Ironically, the mix of lube and faecal matter is right on this one. If you want to serve your country, your sexual orientation shouldn't matter. However, that not what he means when he says that. He means "it doesn't matter, as long as you're straight"

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