Rebuilding an Engine a Little Bit at a Time

(youtube) Started out as just a collection of snaps as I stripped down an engine bought off ebay. (To replace my old engine, which had suffered catastrophic failure). The snaps were so that I remembered how everything went, so I could put it back together again.

Then I realised it'd be quite cool to make it an animation. found some suitable music, rekindled my ancient knowledge of Premiere, storyboarded it, shot it as I worked on the engine (my poor DSLR got covered in engine oil), this was the result.

Awesome - great choice of music too.
Kudos to him for his abilities - I just dropped my car off at the dealership this morning - died on my way in to work. I let the pros handle that stuff.


Changed the chain on a motorcycle I owned once and had one bolt left over. So I took it all apart again, then put it back together, and still had the left over bolt. Worked fine, but to this day I still don't know where it went.

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