Polish Excavator Fail of Epic Proportions

The suspense is terrible...I hope it will last.

I don't know if this is a fail or not.. I mean, they probably needed to get it off the hill at some point.. and it is upright.. possibly..


This seems to be a trend lately, flipping a vehicle back on it's wheels while forgetting to set the brake or put it in gear. Is this proof we're getting dumber on average?


Maybe it's just proof that more of us have cameras to capture these dumb moments that have always existed.


This seems to be a trend lately, flipping a vehicle back on it's wheels while forgetting to set the brake or put it in gear. Is this proof we're getting dumber on average?


I dunno man, the non-linear antics of monkeys seems to be on the rise in both frequency and absurdity-Some folks are just dying to get off-planet by any means necessary....as evidenced in the amazingly lame-brained practice of eating a hamburger with one hand while driving and texting with the help of their other opposable digit with no concern for just how close they are to getting consciously rammed by some shitty car from behind


Maybe it's just proof that more of us have cameras to capture these dumb moments that have always existed.


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