Maddow Destroys Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity

Embed is actually the second half, the first half is here.


I think the principles should be reversed in the title - Maddow got her butt handed to her here to the point where she started making personal attacks. The guy seems quite the slime-ball, but she lost her cool big time and he never broke a sweat, never lost his condescending smile.

Can't tell me she wasn't kicking herself after this.


I bet that was very cathartic for her. Good for her to standing up to a bully on national tv.

Aren't we the ones who get upset at the media for letting slime-balls like this off the hook? For being too soft with them so that they can ensure a "good relationship" so that they'll return as a guest?

Rachel effectively guaranteed that he'll never come back and she was clearly fine with that. I don't see what she said as losing her cool. She was calm and collected, but clearly very nervous to say those words to a bad man. But she had the courage to do it anyway.

And that's the kind of courage we've been dying to see in the media for the longest time.

Bravo Rachel.


She called the man out for what he is. Engaging him at any other level is playing right into his hand.

We all like to believe that we would have the courage to call someone out in this manner. As if doing it is somehow petty. But the truth is that we all participate in conspiracies of lies every day of our lives. We distort what's obvious, true and real to avoid things we don't want to acknowledge. We silently conspire with others to build comfortable lies around us. In our work, our homes, our social groups; every day we silently agree to support distortions of reality. We know what's true yet we look straight into the eyes of other people who know what's true and say the lies we're expected to say. The words that make everyone comfortable. Then we bury the truth with double-think. We lie to ourselves about the lie.

I think Maddow was looking into the eyes of a person who makes his living off of manipulating our habit of sharing the comfortable lie...and she realized the only way to avoid being a party to the lie is to transcend the situation and call it out for what it is. That's more than an act of courage, it's in incredible act of self awareness. And it's something that most people will never do in their lives.

So, yeah. Just sayin'.


republicans are just pure evil these days. 20 years ago the republicans maybe weren't the nicest people in the world but they weren't a crazy neofascist christian taliban either.


Doesn't it get on your nerves how they constantly talk over each other, don't answer each others questions and resort to making personal attacks instead of discussing whatever it is they're supposed to discuss? For god's sake, let her finish asking her questions before going off on a rant and PLEASE let him finish before responding and/or introducing another question.


^ Yes, but you should realize that modern political talking heads are more or less trained to talk for as long as they can, and talk over their interviewer. Interviewers want to keep their guests on topic, and are trained to cut them off if they wander off into some self-serving speech.

Relatively speaking, this one wasn't too bad.


This guy is such a smug jackass. What he meant to say was: "You can keep trotting out your facts but the only fact that matters is the money is still flowing and as long as it does I'll keep hitting the American public like they are my own private pinata."


>> ^quantumushroom:
Well, you know, you're Obama voters.
Are you enjoying 11% unemployment? Obama couldn't care less about you. The taxocrat War on Prosperity continues...

If you are a US taxpayer, you've spent, personally, $4 978 on the war in Iraq, a country that never posed any threat to your country. Taxocrats? Maybe you should think about why you pay taxes, and how that money is spent. You see, when you start shit that costs 700 billion dollars, somebody has got to pay for it. People who arent complete jackass cowboys from Texas worry about shit like that, you know, balance the budget and such. If you spent your money wisely, you could actually end up paying less taxes. Other countries manage to provide free, universal healthcare to all their citizens while spending LESS on healthcare that your government does. Think about it: Less money spent, better service provided. If you are still a big fan of the insurance industry, you could still buy yourself health insurance and get treated in private hospitals exclusively. Nobody does that tho, because the public system WORKS.


I'm staring to see Maddow as no better than O'Reilly, Hannity, etc... just on the other side of the spectrum. She's on the side I usually lean to, but I'd like to think I can spot completely one-sided journalism when I see it.

And this 'interview' was pretty weak by her standards. Seems like her only goal was to smear him for things past.

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