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siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Terrible) - requested by MrFisk.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Lies) - requested by MrFisk.
dystopianfuturetodaysays...Something tells me Thomas Paine would probably not be a big FAUX News fan.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Eia) - requested by dystopianfuturetoday.
littledragon_79says...Somehow I don't quite think they have a rainbow coalition like NOM does. I'm also guessing there wouldn't be a ton of non-white liberals marching in this "silent majority". Nice try at Nixon's moral majority btw. Some people just can't accept that a black Democrat actually won, methinks.
Wow, if I stepped up the hyperbole and added some straw man arguments I could work for the national media.
omnistegansays...Part of the problem here is that most of the Fox News demographic will think this actually is Thomas Paine.
StukaFoxsays...What exactly is he ranting against?
MrConradssays...How far will fox news and the cowards that work there be allowed to push the envelope before they get called what they really are? fox represents nothing less than a direct threat to America and its people.
Throbbinsays...>> ^StukaFox:
What exactly is he ranting against?
The audacity of "they".
Creaturesays...That's funny I was under the impression that we made ourselves pretty clear during the landslide vote in November.
I wonder whether or not Beck would finish snapping were he to realize that Thomas Paine wasn't Christian.
"The study of theology, as it stands in the Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authority; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion."
- Thomas Paine
kronosposeidonsays...Geez, maybe Thomas Paine should have told the good citizens of the Colonies to honk their horns three times at noon on April 15th to show their defiance of their British overlords. That would have sent them packing, guaranteed.
quantumushroomsays...Thanks for doing the Lord's work. I could never get this sifted. HA HA HA HA HA!
If you want to call votes from ACORN thugs and illegals a "landslide", go ahead. Considering a communist and a Democrat-picked Republican were the candidates, McLame did surprisingly well.
Throbbinsays...^QM - Maybe you should just hold your breath until America wakes up! Or just fall to the ground and cry?
PS - Rush Limbaugh will never be President. Haha.
ravermansays...Someone needs to stop these right wing fanatics before they actually DO form a militia and start a civil war.
I say it's time for their own medicine. Lets start arresting them for being traitors and unpatriotic and see how they like it.
jimnmssays...What's wrong with the embed? It quits after 55 seconds, but the progress bar shows it to be 3:40 long.
highdileehosays...Finally, we will be allowed to call their govenment policy protest stupid, divisive, and counter productive. Much like they have said to us for the last 240 years.
chilaxesays...>> ^StukaFox:
What exactly is he ranting against?
I've been living under a rock for the last 70 years, but apparently there's a group that's responsible for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 attacks, and government anti-recession spending, which is by far the worst of the three
Lolthiensays...Guys, I live in kentucky, and short of montana, I daresay this state would be the first to hop up with our musket shooters and have a good ol' fashioned rebellin', but even here in the western part of the state, no one is honestly considering any sort of militia raising.
The people who are crazy enough to start a militia might, if they ALL banded together, take over a small town in the south somewhere...
But they are NOT.. repeat, are NOT numerous enough to cause any sort of civil war. To give them that sort of credit really gives them more power than they deserve.
rcwsays...We really need to trot out a few sedition laws.
Hive13says...Did he seriously compare the spending bill to the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the terrorist attacks on 9/11? Seriously?
Glen Beck is a fucking crazy, crazy man. He reminds me of those televangelists lying to you about miracles and good will to steal people's money to buy hookers and gay porn.
April 15th is going to come and go with 6 people in Kentucky drinking sweet tea on the porch thinking they are somehow doing their part to "save" America.
America does need saving.....from crazy people with a platform to spout filth like Glen Beck.
chilaxesays..."April 15th is going to come and go with 6 people in Kentucky drinking sweet tea on the porch"
I know I'm going to celebrate by teabagging my girlfriend, so the day won't be a total waste!
grintersays...I'm assuming that rcw's sedition comment was a joke. If so, it is right on. The same people who tune into Beck's show would never tolerate the same kind of sketch if it was put on by the communist party.
MikefromWAsays...If I were still a Mormon, I would be horribly embarrassed. What a genius. Why do all the right-wing commentators apparently have the IQ's of trilobites?
poolcleanersays...Ironic that they'd hypothetically employ the author of THE AGE OF REASON to fill their nutjob spot.
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