It's a Critter Christmas

It can be difficult to get uninvited critters to leave your house during the holiday season.

What a maroon.
Next time try opening the door, closing other interior doors, and keeping your dog from standing between the animal and the exit.
I bet she's not even with it enough to get her dog treated for possible rabies after it was bitten.

She should be grateful it didn't become a woodland critter Christmas, blood orgy and all.

Epic *fail


Initially when she panned over to the raccoon in the lamp over the dinner table it looked like she had put it in a gibbet. And yeah, she could have handled that a lot better.


What a maroon.
Next time try opening the door, closing other interior doors, and keeping your dog from standing between the animal and the exit.
I bet she's not even with it enough to get her dog treated for possible rabies after it was bitten.

She should be grateful it didn't become a woodland critter Christmas, blood orgy and all.

Epic *fail


Can they still get it if they have been vaccinated? Most everywhere I know of has laws requiring it.


Why the fuck didn't she lock the dog up first thing? Is she fucking stupid?!

Dog gets rabies...

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