Incredible collection of homemade marble machines

Totally mesmerising.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Why is it this guy goes un-noticed in our culture but Justin Bieber wrote a fucking memoir??

Because humanity is one big cluster fuck of random opinions based upon the limited perspectives of billions of individuals that follow trends based upon their relative social group, which is warped and presented as an easy package by the corporate machine.

Or at least that's what I learned watching 5 seasons of the Kids in the Hall.


Stunningly beautiful in their aesthetics and elegance.

The last one was the best by far for its lifelike motion and raindrop-like sound.

The name Theo Jansen should at least be in the tags, if not the title.


I'm not sure what Theo Jansen has to do with these machines, other than he autographed the last one. The artist is a Japanese fellow who goes by 'denha' online, real name from his website may be Naoki Harada...


Ah! Thanks for that. I thought he was signing the video, rather than just name-dropping.>> ^arvana:

I'm not sure what Theo Jansen has to do with these machines, other than he autographed the last one. The artist is a Japanese fellow who goes by 'denha' online, real name from his website may be Naoki Harada...

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