How To Walk Down The Street Efficiently In Japan

God I wish I could get away with this in Manchester.

If you could make that sounds with your tongue you wouldn't need the bell.

Of course then you'd be famous for being able to make a bell sound without a bell and could just hire people to carry bells to ring anyways..


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

It's only Pavlovian if the "reward" is not to get run over by a bike. Better labeled "aversion therapy". If you don't move after hearing the bell and get creamed - next time when you hear it you will move.


Hell, American bicyclists don't use bells! For some moronic reason, they stopped putting bells on bikes a few decades ago here. Now idiot bike riders who grew up riding their bikes on the sidewalk are now full grown adults...still riding their bikes on the sidewalk. And they never make any sound as they silently come up behind you and still expect you to get out of the way on the sideWALK.


Hey you THIEF! Nice idea with the bell. Just when did you come to my comedy show, steal my idea and try to pass it off as yours? I've been doing that for 14 years in this country you scumbag. There are thousands of people that KNOW that that's my OWN ORIGINAL IDEA. Get a life dipshit. Make up something of you OWN. All those places you did it are the same places I talk about on stage and more importantly do it in real life everyday DICKHEAD!!!!!!! I guess you'll be getting a house type phone next, and answering it when someone's mobile phone rings HUH. WANKER! If you want me to post 1 of the dozens of videos of me talking about how I do that on this sight, I will. They go back years. Take it down SHITHEAD. It's NOT your idea. Cloudy!!!!!!!!!!!


>> ^Cloudy:

Hey you THIEF! Nice idea with the bell. Just when did you come to my comedy show, steal my idea and try to pass it off as yours? I've been doing that for 14 years in this country you scumbag. There are thousands of people that KNOW that that's my OWN ORIGINAL IDEA. Get a life dipshit. Make up something of you OWN. All those places you did it are the same places I talk about on stage and more importantly do it in real life everyday DICKHEAD!!!!!!! I guess you'll be getting a house type phone next, and answering it when someone's mobile phone rings HUH. WANKER! If you want me to post 1 of the dozens of videos of me talking about how I do that on this sight, I will. They go back years. Take it down SHITHEAD. It's NOT your idea. Cloudy!!!!!!!!!!!

i am good in english, i try my best in doing what i do what i think is best and that im pretty intelligent when it comes to doing this. to be honest its not that hard but i find it easier for me to just write it like this, and i hope it can be easy for people to read this too. i like writing about stuff. i like chicken. i like food. i like eating. eating is great. blah blah blah blah blah. i am awesome. i am cool. i believe im awesome and cool. isnt that awesome and cool?????

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