Horse + clapping + spanking = FAIL

No words needed, but channel sugestions are welcome.

I like how he tries to save face at the end by just walking away and pretending it didn't happen.

Unfortunately he forgot his hat, and will either lose his hat, or once again have to face the people watching while looking like an idiot.


That guy has obviously never lived in the country side since one thing you should always know is - NEVER stand at the horse's ass. If they get pissed, they can kill you with one kick.


Take note, you should only beat a dead horse.

It's common knowledge (I thought) for anyone working around horses: Never stand directly behind a horse. That's their blind spot and they can easily be spooked. Even docile, friendly horses will react like this if you scare the shit out of them.


>> ^gwiz665:
A camel on the other hand, doesn't stand a chance.
>> ^shole:
uhm?.. bruce lee couldn't beat a horse
horses are pretty hardcore when they want to be

Actually Camels are worse when they decide to kick you, because unlike a horse they are able to kick sideways, too!

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