Helium Infused Beer - Fantastic Idea

They tested Helium-Beer.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, August 13th, 2015 9:12pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter Daldain.


Why have they bothered lying about this? I don't get it.

Obviously fake, as was pointed out, you have to breath helium for it to change your voice It's a function of sound waves traveling through a different gas density, the same reason your voice goes lower when breathing nitrous oxide. The gas doesn't change your vocal chords as some people seem to think.


It's an April Fools Joke made a year after the original "Official" April Fools Joke.



Why have they bothered lying about this? I don't get it.

Obviously fake, as was pointed out, you have to breath helium for it to change your voice It's a function of sound waves traveling through a different gas density, the same reason your voice goes lower when breathing nitrous oxide. The gas doesn't change your vocal chords as some people seem to think.

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