Golf ball deformation at 70,000 fps (!)

Wow, this is incredible.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 6:16pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter gwiz665.


isn't center of the golf ball actually a solid mass? so while surrounding might deform, center remains...that video is highly questionable. i doubt even a tennis ball would deform like that


>> ^gwiz665:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">mxxcon as far as I know, a golf ball is actually rubber of some sort.
but it's not a single chunk of rubber all the way through. they are made of many different layers, and i'd be surprised that all of them could deform so much like in this video w/o breaking.


WTF?!? Really, WTF WAS THAT??

I had to go pick up a golf ball after watching this video, and even after watching the video two more times, I find it so hard to believe that can be real...


>> ^mxxcon:

isn't center of the golf ball actually a solid mass? so while surrounding might deform, center remains...that video is highly questionable. i doubt even a tennis ball would deform like that

Depends entirely on the ball in question. Some older balls had a small solid core with rubber string wound around it. There are balls that have for example a tungsten core, but most balls on the market today are just a large urethane blob with a (often titan infused) cover. Some higher end balls have multiple layers in the core.

Oh yeah, golf balls also hold the current ball speed record in sports, after Jason Zuback managed 204 mph on an episode of Sports Science. Old record was a 188 mph Jai Alai throw.


>> ^Avokineok:

shot at a target at 61 m/s (which is about 150 Mph?) (Americans should start using the metric system.. )

More like 136 mph. I don't think that sequence shows slightly less deformation, I think that's vastly less. Makes me doubt this video actually.


>> ^jubuttib:

>> ^Avokineok:
shot at a target at 61 m/s (which is about 150 Mph?) (Americans should start using the metric system.. )

More like 136 mph. I don't think that sequence shows slightly less deformation, I think that's vastly less. Makes me doubt this video actually.

indeed, these picture sequences show, what i would expect, a more realistic ball deformation. golf balls don't feel soft and bouncy enough to flatten out like in the video.


>> ^flechette:

Now think that two cars both going 75 mph hitting each other head on would do pretty much the same thing to the humans inside! Yay for safety!
actually 2 cars both going 75mps hitting each other is equal to one car hitting a wall at 75mph. mythbusters did an episode on this very thing like a week or two ago


It could also be one of those batting cage balls, I could see one of those doing this for sure. There is no size reference to tell if it is a golfball or not, just the look. Anyone want to count dimples? =D


This is ridiculous, it's clearly not a real golf ball. If you put a golf ball in a hydraulic press and apply tonnage it will pop like a grape before it gets this flat. Just smashing it real fast will not change the outcome. Cool effect in the vid. though.

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