Fox News anchors try Vegemite for the first time live on-air

A panel of Fox news TV hosts decided to try Vegemite for the first time live on-air to celebrate Australia Day 2015

As a side note, you're not supposed to lather it on like peanut butter. A little bit goes a long long way :)

FUCK thats a lot of vegemite!!!

Aussie here - never in my life have I ever used that much, thats like....waaaayyyyy too much.

It aint nutella people!


It is a yeast extract that is not dissimilar in taste to demiglaze stock off the bottom of a pan (ie. stock boiled down to the consistency of, well, vegemite...)

Aka, incredibly concentrated.

With melted butter on toast, you apply would be lovingly described as a smear. You mix it with the melted butter to form a savoury topping rather than a "good old US PB&J thickness coating".

As an aside, a single teaspoon of vegemite makes a reasonably strong broth in a mug that is great for sore throats.

But please America, keep on spreading it on like cake frosting, we love the videos... =D


Did you have a coating as thick as these guys? They have easily used 10 times as much as most Aussies would See every other comment here for instance!


Yep, exactly how i reacted when i tried it. Damn stuff gave me Kidney failure as soon as I took a bite.


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Sure looked like Nutella... years ago, started a post-doc at UQ in Brisbane, temporarily rooming at Gatton College. 1st morning, jet lagged at breakfast in dining hall, lathered it on white toast and laid into it. Managed to keep it down, but the gag reflex was winning. Students howled, all in good fun though. When I checked out 2 weeks later, they gave me a gift of a giant jar of it and a homemade booklet "How to Eat Vegemite"... good memories, but could never stomach it again.


FUCK thats a lot of vegemite!!!

Aussie here - never in my life have I ever used that much, thats like....waaaayyyyy too much.

It aint nutella people!

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