Float plane takes off, almost hits guy filming, then crashes

De Havilland Beaver plane crash at Lake Hood in Anchorage AK, on June 7, 2009, apparently caused by a strong wind gust. None of the family of four and two dogs aboard were hurt.

Um, 'scuse me -- sorry to be a bother, but the long, straight sticky-out thing atop your plane appears to have broken off. You might want to secure that with some duck tape or strap downs or something. I also think you can't land there because there's grass and not a landing strip. Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure of that.


YouTube videos are getting a lot better now that it's allowing higher quality and high resolution cameras have gotten so cheap. It also helps this guy has a steady hand too.


>> ^StukaFox:
Um, 'scuse me -- sorry to be a bother, but the long, straight sticky-out thing atop your plane appears to have broken off. You might want to secure that with some duck tape or strap downs or something. I also think you can't land there because there's grass and not a landing strip. Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure of that.

What's with the sudden mass-usage of these sorts of comments lately? I think i missed where it started from. The first one i read was about a broken camera, it was quite funny:

"In my humble, world renowned opinion, it might have something to do with one of the plastic or metal parts on your light recording machine. I am fairly certain of this. try moving around one of the parts, or using a piece of metal to fix another piece of metal. That should work. Your Friend, Internet Engineer"


Having just about been run over by a De Havilland Beaver twice in my lifetime (same plane both times), I feel as qualified as any other internet engineer to say that the motor in this particular example doesn't seem to be firing on all cylinders.

Also, is it appropriate to say "run over" if the mentioned over-running is taking place on the water?


>> ^dag:
Holy crap is right.

It is a testament to the gentleman's intestinal fortitude that he is nearly killed by a prop-plane and the resulting audio remains SFW (and the resulting video in-frame).

...Or is it something more sinister? therealblankman posits that the Beaver might not be firing on all cylinders. Perhaps the videographer was prepared to use SFW language (thereby ensuring a wider viewing audience) because he had sabotaged the plane beforehand.


Of all the videos I've seen where the cameraman is "almost hit" by the item in question, this is the first one where I would have to agree he was actually almost hit.


>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^StukaFox:
Um, 'scuse me -- sorry to be a bother, but the long, straight sticky-out thing atop your plane appears to have broken off. You might want to secure that with some duck tape or strap downs or something. I also think you can't land there because there's grass and not a landing strip. Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure of that.

What's with the sudden mass-usage of these sorts of comments lately? I think i missed where it started from. The first one i read was about a broken camera, it was quite funny:
"In my humble, world renowned opinion, it might have something to do with one of the plastic or metal parts on your light recording machine. I am fairly certain of this. try moving around one of the parts, or using a piece of metal to fix another piece of metal. That should work. Your Friend, Internet Engineer"

Lurk Moar

Srsly you must be from the 3rd world or something to have never seen something like this.


Seems like he just wasn't getting enough lift. Full flaps, y/n? It's like he was pulling up the whole time, so he didn't get the tail up enough, thus, not enough speed, thus, insufficient lift, thus, "holy shit land is coming up, and I'm not out of the water yet! SHIIIT!" Possibly this was caused by TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE onboard? It's like a 3 person plane, and they had four people and two dogs?

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