Fans Support Comedian Jimmy Carr Over Troop Joke

Fans of Jimmy Carr have come out in support of the comedian following a joke he made about wounded troops. Carr, who has visited injured troops at Selly Oak and Headley Court, has apologised for any offence caused.

"I've got nothing but respect for the young men and women who put their lives on the line for this country," he told Sky News online.

oh, how dare he poke fun of THE TROOPS!
one of the tamest carr jokes i've heard aswell
this unconditional worship of police and soldiers just needs to stop
they're not automatically better than you just because they've been put in a position of authority or put themselves in harm's way


Oh dear god. Did that random guy just claim Carr's entire fanbase is comprised of a bunch of cowards who like to sit in the dark and anonymously laugh at everyone but themselves?

How much of standup is based on making fun of everyone - including the audience?


First: the joke is not offensive to soldiers, if anything, it is commending them for being better athletes than the rest.
Second: isn't the "shooting himself in the foot" just as 'offensive'?
Third: about that lame-assed remark about laughing in the dark, wtf does his audience have to do with it? Jimmy Carr made the joke, not them, and he most definitely is not in the dark and anonymous.


That's funny. Most soldiers I know amputated or not would find it funny.

It's in no way insulting or demeaning, it's in fact quite uplifting, he's saying that here are a bunch of healthy, athletic men who have the pride and determination to be champions. It's quite a compliment really.


*Giant Glaring Jimmy Carr Pic in the Background*

"It's actually in really bad taste to give the comment that he has.."

Since when has Jimmy Carr EVER been in good taste? The man ALWAYS tastes bad.... Wait, No!


Carr is a bish, but he managed to respond well to the criticism. Unfortunately for you Carr lovers, I use what little power I have here on the sift to downvote anything with him in it, and this is no exception.


The funny thing is the majority that were offended were probably neither war amputees nor were they Jimmy Carr fans in the first place.

I hate when people feel like they can get angry for a group of people that they aren't a part of.


I'm more offended by the reporter's use of "shot himself in the foot" in this video. Carr at least was funny, not just relying on horribly clichéd tripe that seems appropriate to this hack of a reporter, but really has no place anywhere.


>> ^thinker247:
...Jimmy Carr apologized for offending people

In all fairness, it was a non-apology apology. Since most reasonably people will agree that no apology is better than a passive-aggressive fake apology, I submit that he did better than not apologizing, by "apologizing".


Post Sachsgate this sort of hysteria is becoming more and more common. As has been said it's a totally fine joke and most soldiers will say alot worse.

Of course the reporting of such a story is also a sign of how lazy most news organisations are becoming. Witness the nonsense about Stephen Fry a few days ago because someone caught him while he was in a depressive state. Ridiculous.


>> ^sme4r:
Carr is a bish, but he managed to respond well to the criticism. Unfortunately for you Carr lovers, I use what little power I have here on the sift to downvote anything with him in it, and this is no exception.

First off: what's a bish?

Second: no you didn't down-vote this, because you can't, so wtf are you talking about?


>> ^KnivesOut:
>> ^sme4r:
Carr is a bish, but he managed to respond well to the criticism. Unfortunately for you Carr lovers, I use what little power I have here on the sift to downvote anything with him in it, and this is no exception.

First off: what's a bish?
Second: no you didn't down-vote this, because you can't, so wtf are you talking about?

Whenever he sees one of the videos, he shakes his fist at the screen.


>> ^shole:
this unconditional worship of police and soldiers just needs to stop


Missing appendage or not, you're no HERO just because you got stationed in some 4th world shithole.

The hard truth is, the overwhelming majority of current enlistees are high school dropouts and trailer park losers with no other option besides the military or Home Depot.


>> ^imstellar28:
Heres a joke:
What do you call a guy with no legs, and a purple heart?

A murderer!

Enh, I see what you did there, but to me it is going in the opposite direction... even what Carr said is humorous compared to this. Yours is more of an insult than an actual joke.


I don't even see how the joke is insulting to war-amputees. It's basically surprising us with a punchline that says "look at the bright side" of something that we see as a totally dark issue.

If he'd said something like "the good thing about all these war amputees is that stairs will be less crowded", then that's insulting, but what he said? I don't think so.

Also, if he was an amputee no one would have complained. Is that inequality? Surely ok for all or ok for none

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