Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

This guy is it. The real deal. Smart. Articulate. My New Hero.

Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 11:42am PDT - promote requested by eric3579.


What I don't get is why people watch these kinds of shows. He's asking one question about 8 times in slightly different ways, that doesn't seem very entertaining?


Bob, whether or not these folks are killing each other day in day (out), police have been killing them too. Both are wrong. The difference is that police are agents of the law, empowered and restricted by that law. These killings show that there is a non-localized problem of police ignoring restrictions and abusing power, for whatever reason (fear? racism? mob-mentality? "just following orders?").

That is worth protesting, because there is literally no other way to fix it.


STFU Bobknight. Really.

You're just a silly old racist with no understanding of why POVERTY causes VIOLENCE.

Being poor and desperate as fuck.
Never having anyone to support you financially or emotionally.
Seeing absolutely no future for yourself because the only opportunities available are to gang-bang or work minimum wage jobs endlessly.

These are the reasons for the cycle of violence in poor black communities.

You just want blame black people for their problems.

"What's wrong with you? You've only been systematically oppressed for the past 400 years. Why can't you just stop all that poor people behavior so be can make some change as a country"

You fuckin' loon. Take your stupid ignorant opinions somewhere else.


What BS.
If these folks would protest their own killing of each other day in day then progress then could be made.

GenjiKilpatrickjokingly says...

But.. but.. it's "news".

Wolfe is a very respected journalist-type person.


What I don't get is why people watch these kinds of shows. He's asking one question about 8 times in slightly different ways, that doesn't seem very entertaining?


Notice how good the cops are at roughing people up when there is no danger and no real threat. But when the time comes when you actually hope that the police will defend person and property against invasion, times of genuine upheaval and fear, suddenly the police retire back and become strangely passive. It happens in every case of "civil unrest," and it's always astonishing. It's when property owners discover that they are on their own. The persistence of this behavior should make everyone rethink their presumptions that tax-funded, government-run policing is the right approach to security.

The smart response to Baltimore is to recognize that this is the product of the pointless drug war, a racially punitive policing system, failed public services, a highly regulated labor market that cuts off economic opportunity, gun control, and permanent martial law that makes everyone feel like prisoners in their own homes and lives.

Alas, we're likely to see only the typical bourgeois response to Baltimore: lock up these "animals" and unleash the cops on the rest.

Which explanation sells better to the "public?" I think it's pretty obvious. This is why fascism always wins.


Wow... I honestly got a quick chill up my spine at:
"I also know that Freddie Gray will never be back, and that those windows will be".

That, to me, is as poignant a one-liner as any found in some of the great and famous speeches that can still resonate strongly with us today, years after they were initially given. Big salute to Mr. McKesson, and middle-finger salute to Mr. Blitzer for apparently completely missing the legitimacy and gravitas of those profound words.


Wrong it can be fixed.
It is up to the people them self to take personal responsibility and stop being so violent. When that happens then the cops would not show up in these area with their guard up and treat people like people.


Bob, whether or not these folks are killing each other day in day (out), police have been killing them too. Both are wrong. The difference is that police are agents of the law, empowered and restricted by that law. These killings show that there is a non-localized problem of police ignoring restrictions and abusing power, for whatever reason (fear? racism? mob-mentality? "just following orders?").

That is worth protesting, because there is literally no other way to fix it.


Racist want to keep blacks on the plantation. That is the liberal agenda. I am not liberal.

Democrats policies have cause more harm to blacks. Then again Democrats held the south back then and formed the KKK. Today they enslave blacks economically and have decimated the family structure with their policies.

Since the 60's 85% of Black population vote for democrats during the elections.

The problem for black people is that they continually vote for democrats that do little to nothing for them. Black votes are being taken for granted by Democrats.

Conversely Republicans won't promise much since they know the wont get their vote.


STFU Bobknight. Really.

You're just a silly old racist with no understanding of why POVERTY causes VIOLENCE.

Being poor and desperate as fuck.
Never having anyone to support you financially or emotionally.
Seeing absolutely no future for yourself because the only opportunities available are to gang-bang or work minimum wage jobs endlessly.

These are the reasons for the cycle of violence in poor black communities.

You just want blame black people for their problems.

"What's wrong with you? You've only been systematically oppressed for the past 400 years. Why can't you just stop all that poor people behavior so be can make some change as a country"

You fuckin' loon. Take your stupid ignorant opinions somewhere else.


Does anybody else feel the need to take a shower after reading certain posts? Or at least take an extra strength headache remedy?


You are not a black person.

You have no idea "what's good for" black people.

You're a racist.

You're a bigot.

You think that Republicans & the "Conservative Agenda" are the answer to EVERY question.

You're such a dolt, you think that just because White Racist of one political affiliation started the KKK..

That somehow White Racists from every other political affiliation are absolved from their bigotry & racism.

Ignorant, Already-Made-up-their-mind people like you and @lantern53 and @quantumushroom are the problem.

Privileged, Foolhardy, Uncultured, Willfully-ignorant, Hypocritical humans..
who will scream murder if the ANYTHING interferes with the pretty picture you have painted in your minds...

.. are the fucking problem that all minorities have to deal with.

Not liberalism or conservatism. Not Democrats or Republicans.

STFU. Go away. Please and thank you.


Racist want to keep blacks on the plantation. That is the liberal agenda. I am not liberal.



Watch it to the end, @bobknight33


Wrong it can be fixed.
It is up to the people them self to take personal responsibility and stop being so violent. When that happens then the cops would not show up in these area with their guard up and treat people like people.


Then again, Republicans created the EPA in the 1970's, and today they want it eradicated because it's inconvenient to be responsible. Party positions change.

You do understand we aren't in the 1860's (the time period you nostalgically spoke of) anymore, right?
You do understand that BOTH parties have 'evolved' and changed their positions since the 1860's, right?

Actually, I'm not sure you understand either of those points at all.


Then again Democrats held the south back then and formed the KKK.


Hey Genji, why don't you tell us all the ways the white man has kept you down, has kept you from being a success? Then perhaps we can all begin to understand the oppression.

On the other hand, you can just call me a racist cracker.

Or, perhaps you can tell us what the white people can do to fix all the problems in the black community.

Hmmm, seems a little racist to assume that white people can do anything to fix the problems of black people, doesn't it?


Hey Lantern, why don't you tell us how "totally not racist" you are..

while claiming that black people are inherently violent, underachieving, thugs & savages.

Oh but wait, you "have a bi-racial relative" so you couldn't POSSIBLY be an unapologetic racist.

Nope, you just believe the first biracial president is "unamerican" because he spent 4 years as a child in -*gasp!* - a "foreign" country.

[You know, like how Republican Ted Cruz is a Cuban-Canadian with an untrustworthy racist father]

Or maybe you can tell us how the "black community" conspired to make certain that open racism and discrimination in EVERY facet of life was perfectly acceptable until the 1960s.

Pssh, seems EXTREMELY racist to still benefit from the enslavement of an entire group of people..
- not to mention the whole murdering & subjugating the indigenous population beforehand -
..then blame that group for not being able to "fix their own problems", doesn't it?

P.S. - It does. Because it is. Because you're a racist.

Just like my hispanic grandmother.. oh, and she has TWO bi-racial grandkids.


Hey Genji, why don't you tell us all the ways the white man has kept you down, has kept you from being a success? Then perhaps we can all begin to understand the oppression.

On the other hand, you can just call me a racist cracker.

Or, perhaps you can tell us what the white people can do to fix all the problems in the black community.

Hmmm, seems a little racist to assume that white people can do anything to fix the problems of black people, doesn't it?


That was one long non-answer, with a bit of name-calling included.

If I were a racist, does that explain why you can't function? If I were not a racist, would you be a success?

You are one big crybaby.

And when did I say black people are thugs etc? Black people are just like everyone else. Do you have a different opinion?

You are like a lot of people...blaming others for your own failures.

Why don't you get with the program and do something with your life?

You'll be a lot happier and you'll be a contributor to society.

Because right now you are one bitter dude.


I am bitter, Lantern. Extremely bitter.

I'm bitter because I know this game is rigged..

and I don't want to play along.

This society was made for white, ruthless, greedy, ignorant people..

I'm not any of those things. I'm the opposite of those things.

That's why I'm bitter.

I'm bitter because literally no matter how successful a black
person becomes - something like president say - we're still just niggers to an enormous portion of this society.

I'm bitter because willful ignorant people like you & Bobknight will never understand what it's like to be called a nigger..

And you don't give a fuck about how that feels either.

I'm bitter because You and Bobknight gloat about that shit.

And rub your white privilege in our faces every chance you get.

I'm bitter because currently the number of unarmed black men murdered by police..

Is the same as the number of black men lynched during the Jim Crow era.

I'm bitter because everytime I turn on the news..

All CNN, FoxNews, Msnbc want to do is remind me..

"Hey, remember that time we treated people that look like you as LITERAL cattle..

Yeah, you should stop being upset about that.

Take responsibly for not having as many opportunities as us respectable, civil [white] people..

And pull yourself up by your own bootstraps instead of rioting."


That was one long non-answer, with a bit of name-calling included.

If I were a racist, does that explain why you can't function? If I were not a racist, would you be a success?

You are one big crybaby.

And when did I say black people are thugs etc? Black people are just like everyone else. Do you have a different opinion?

You are like a lot of people...blaming others for your own failures.

Why don't you get with the program and do something with your life?

You'll be a lot happier and you'll be a contributor to society.

Because right now you are one bitter dude.


Also, @lantern53 I don't answer you or any other illogical, irrational person cause you've already made up your mind.

I can't change your mind.

I'm not going to try.

I'm just calling you out on your racist, jingoist bullshit.

Because there is literally nothing I can say that would make you stop and think..
"Oh wow, maybe I DO have a bunch of privileges and advantages based purely on my skin color."

If you sincerely want an answer, message me when you feel like acknowledging facts.

Facts like the American Caste System.

And the fact that white people are at the top of that system.

India has one. Britain has one. America has one. The globe has one.

Acknowledging things like that would be a great first step to help fix problems in the global community.. let alone the black community.


As long as you let what you think other people think affect you, you will not succeed.

You are so ate up with hatred you will never succeed.

You need to get off your pity train because it's going nowhere.

Maybe I've never been called a 'nigger', but when I was a child, my own grandfather said I'd never amount to a hill of beans.

There are millions of successful minority people in this country and they don't let other people's prejudices get in the way of their life.

You think you are surrounded by racism. You use that as an excuse.
Why don't you try and overcome it instead of letting it eat you out from the inside.

I grew up in a lower middle class environment, one working parent who dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. My dad taught himself everything he needed to know, became an accomplished pilot and treated the world as his stepstool. He taught us to be positive. We had no money for college so I did 3 easy years in the Army. I met a lot of black guys who had awesome attitudes and wouldn't let what someone else thought get in their way.
When I got out I went to college, a good one because they didn't want to turn down a veteran, even though my high school grades were mediocre.
I graduated and got a good job with the gov't, by the grace of God. I work with minorities. One of the smartest people we have is a girl who has a degree from William and Mary. She doesn't let her skin color hold her back.

I feel sorry for you because all you have to hold on to is this 'racism'. You let it defeat you. It is bigger than you. Until you decide otherwise.



Christ, dude, he doesn't "think" he is surrounded by racism, he clearly IS surround by racism! The events in Balitmore and Ferguson (and N.Y. and L.A. and Atlanta and all the other cities where this has happened before) clearly demonstrate that.

The media in this very video are trying to make it seem like smashed windows and burning buildings are a worse problem than black people being killed in custody by police! Meanwhile, the media barely even cover white kids rioting in Huntington Beach for reasons not even remotely as good as protesting racist oppression. How can you not see the racism that is right in front of your face--the racism that literally is dripping from the screen in this video?

It's not about "letting your skin color hold you back." It's about overcoming the odds that are stacked against many black people born into poorer communities, which takes incredible luck as much as it does incredible effort. Black people want an equal chance to succeed. They've been asking for a more level playing field for quite literally decades now and they still don't have it. Can you really not understand that anger? That feeling of powerlessness and rage? Can you really not see how condescending and patronizing it is for you to suggest people to just suck it up and get over it? How ridiculous it is to comparing overcoming low grades to get into college with constantly getting pulled over and roughed up (or killed) by cops simply because of the color of your skin? Is there no cognitive dissonance at all?


You want to see racism still in full force, check out the difference in punishment between usage of crack cocaine vs powder cocaine and the work of Prof Carl Hart on how they are basically the same thing...

Drug addiction has been proven to be exacerbated by poor socio economic conditions.

Drug punishment is more punitive for black people.

More black people live in poor socioeconomic circumstances.

To try and rise above that, a decent portion turn to crime. Surprise surprise, you're dirt poor with no job opportunity so you run with the gang.

Meanwhile, the republican party works as hard as possible to keep socialist policy (at least, socialist policy that helps black people, you can keep farm subsidies and corp bailouts to the whites) a demonised concept that might actually help reform these areas.

Fix the inequality, fix the socio economic problems, job discrimination etc, you fix most of the drug and crime problems. Less crime = less spending on cops, less spending on healthcare, less spending on incarceration etc = more money for more social inequality fixing...

Amazing right?

And yeah Genji, Lantern and co are bigots and racists (who will play the "oh I'm being ad hom'ed" card when you realistically describe them) who go out of their way to bait people. Keep giving them shit, they don't deserve (and probably wouldn't comprehend or even condescend to rationally respond to) legitimate discourse.

It's sad but the best thing to hope for imo is generational change, eventually Lantern and co. will be the last fossils hanging on to an era we should move on from. Then they'll die and the world will be a better place... ; )


When I'm dead, all of these conditions you decry will still be here.

Whenever racism is wiped out, social inequality is banished, every street is paved in gold...then Genji will do wonderful things with his life. I wonder how old he'll be when this is accomplished?

If I were a racist, I'd just come on here and blame his race or whatever. I'm trying to talk some sense to the man. Apparently, however, he prefers to play the victim. And you other malcontents support him in his victimhood.

So while I wish him success, you people just shout 'HEY GENJI, COME LOOK, THERE'S SOME RACISM OVER HERE!!!'

Genji, you alone are responsible for your life.


What fools some of you are. I can tell you do nothing with your lives. You comment on large groups of people as if you have friends.


Despite that he can understand it without condoning it, he shouldn't refuse or be incapable of actually stating that he doesn't condone it.

Sure he's articulate, though I don't know why he should be praised for that (it seems kind of insulting to me; he shouldn't be expected to be articulate because he's a black man taking up a black cause?), but he's also being a politician, dancing around on the fence.

Regardless, I would have no problem admitting I would condone rioters causing property damage as long as 1) it's the only way their voice will actually be heard and cause change, and, more importantly, 2) NO INNOCENT PEOPLE SUFFER as a result of their rioting.

If they physically injure people or put small business owner's out of business or cause uninsured motorists to lose their transportation to work or pull truck drivers out of big rigs to smash their heads with bricks, then fuck them.


I wasn't being critical of you. And honestly, after rereading again slowly, it seems you're just saying that's one of the reasons he's your new hero, so pardon my inaccurate assessment.

But aside from this example, in general it seems odd to me for a grown man to be exalted for being articulate because to me that would seem the norm, not an achievement worthy of congratulations.


When I call a white person "articulate", I am never criticized for it, @lucky760. Only when I call a black person articulate.


I wish that were my experience in the world, dear Lucky.

I have a physical, palpable frisson of joy when I hear someone being articulate, focused and smart.

Maybe it happens more than I realize. But I figure if it were commonplace in my world, I wouldn't respond so viscerally. It would be, well, commonplace and I wouldn't notice so strongly.


I wasn't being critical of you. And honestly, after rereading again slowly, it seems you're just saying that's one of the reasons he's your new hero, so pardon my inaccurate assessment.

But aside from this example, in general it seems odd to me for a grown man to be exalted for being articulate because to me that would seem the norm, not an achievement worthy of congratulations.


Oh I under stand - Conservatives understand. Liberals don't .

Both parties have not evolved. Liberals still believe in enslavement. Republicans still believe that enslavement is bad and this idea have not changed since Lincoln.

With respect your silly EPA analogy Yes it was started by Nixon. But today they have too much overreaching power. When you can stop a Highway from starting because of a simply salamander habitat will be lost then Yes their powers do need to be greatly curtailed.


Then again, Republicans created the EPA in the 1970's, and today they want it eradicated because it's inconvenient to be responsible. Party positions change.

You do understand we aren't in the 1860's (the time period you nostalgically spoke of) anymore, right?
You do understand that BOTH parties have 'evolved' and changed their positions since the 1860's, right?

Actually, I'm not sure you understand either of those points at all.


I don't think you like me very much.

How do you know that I am not a black person? Hint -Al Sharpton I'm not.

Racist? Disagreement of policies does not infer this .
Bigot? Look in the mirror.

So you are saying only white people are racist?
Chinese, Asian, Spanish peoples and Africans can't be racist?

I get it only White American can be racist.

as you say (I) "... have no idea "what's good for" black people."

Sure I do. It's the same thing we all want. A fair shake in life, to have a decent living and to have you children to do better than you.

Debasing yourself to name calling. Sad, very sad.


You are not a black person.

You have no idea "what's good for" black people.

You're a racist.

You're a bigot.

You think that Republicans & the "Conservative Agenda" are the answer to EVERY question.

You're such a dolt, you think that just because White Racist of one political affiliation started the KKK..

That somehow White Racists from every other political affiliation are absolved from their bigotry & racism.

Ignorant, Already-Made-up-their-mind people like you and @lantern53 and @quantumushroom are the problem.

Privileged, Foolhardy, Uncultured, Willfully-ignorant, Hypocritical humans..
who will scream murder if the ANYTHING interferes with the pretty picture you have painted in your minds...

.. are the fucking problem that all minorities have to deal with.

Not liberalism or conservatism. Not Democrats or Republicans.

STFU. Go away. Please and thank you.


You are once again sounding insane.
First, "conservatives" barely exist, and you are not one.
Neocons, like yourself, still believe in enslavement...they claim to be the "law and order" party, which means they write ridiculous laws (drug war, debtors prison, privatize prisons and let prison guards write laws, etc.) that put people in jail/prison for money...a type of enslavement.
Regulation is not enslavement.
Yeah, I see you can't even read yourself....they "haven't changed since Lincoln", but they have changed positions 100% since Nixon....and you don't seem to have the capacity to understand the two things are mutually exclusive. don't think there are enough highways, but there are too many salamanders? That seems like a typical assessment from you.

Oh, and for your last post, you are absolutely clearly racist. No question about it for anyone who's read your posts. When you separate people by race then talk crap about the other groups, that's racist, and you do it daily. You seem to just not know what the word means, that's the only explanation for you claiming to NOT be racist. The rest of your post is just insane straw men you made in "only white people can be racist" one said or implied any such just WISH they had so your argument would make sense.


Oh I under stand - Conservatives understand. Liberals don't .

Both parties have not evolved. Liberals still believe in enslavement. Republicans still believe that enslavement is bad and this idea have not changed since Lincoln.

With respect your silly EPA analogy Yes it was started by Nixon. But today they have too much overreaching power. When you can stop a Highway from starting because of a simply salamander habitat will be lost then Yes their powers do need to be greatly curtailed.


Found on Facebook, a tweet by some guy named Lou Schumaker:

Racism doesn't usually look like someone shouting slurs. It looks like people eagerly looking for a reason why a black kid deserved to die.


Please don't respond to this comment. I will ignore any further conversation with you. I just wanted to be sure you saw this.


Another meme found on facebook:

Black people are literally saying "Stop killing us!" And there are some people saying "But...."


Black people need to tell it to black people, as they are the biggest threat.

The reason black people get stuck in the inner-city cycle is because they are threatened by other black people. That's one reason they don't cooperate with police. White people aren't going to come in and hurt them, other black people are.

2500 people shot in Chicago last year.


From what the police report, there were over 45 shootings by police in Chicago last year (well over 2% of the total shootings in Chicago, and 4% of shooting deaths by under .45% of the population), and well over 1/3 of those shot by cops were killed last year VS the average of only 17% of those shot by non-cops being killed, so if you're being shot, you sure don't want it to be a cop on the other end of that gun or you have at least twice the chance to end up dead over a non-cop shooting.

I think it's clear which group is most threatening per capita, and which group they usually threaten. "Blacks" are 32% of the 2700000 population, or about 864,000 people, from which there were 83 homicides, or less than .01% of that population...
The police have 12,244 from which there were 17 homicides, or .14% of that population... it's 14 times more likely that any single officer will kill you than it is that any single black man will...14 times more likely!
So who's threatening now? Who's the biggest threat?


That must be the new math.

So by your calculation the average black man is more likely to die by cop? It defies any common sense. Most black people support what the cops do. It's only a small percentage who don't.

I truly don't understand why you make the cops out to be ruthless killers who target black people when the truth is quite the opposite.

Cops risk their lives every day in places like Baltimore to protect the majority of black peace-loving people from the thugs who live among them. That is true selflessness and it takes courage and responsibility.



Answer this Why is Baltimore such a shit hole in treating inner city poor folks like dogs?

Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor. In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore city vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have only been only been two Republican governors of the State of Maryland. Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years.”
..."the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is. Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat. Liberalism and all the toxic government dependence and cronyism and union corruption and failed schools that comes along with it, has run amok in Baltimore for a half-century, and that is Baltimore’s problem. It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city. It is the free people of Baltimore who elected Mayor “Space-to-Destroy”. From a recent Allen West post

Not to mention the $1.5Million /year federal dollars for education. Total 18.3 Million from 2001 and today..

plus the 1.8 Billion from Obama's Stimulus.

Peace/ love sharing and caring. Yep a Democrat Utopia.


Once again you just spew hyperbole trash.

You can apologize after your read facts. You do know hat a fact is. It is truth. AS of 2014 24% of Americans describe themselves as Liberals and 37% conservative.

As for you call me a Necon. then you add you own definition is just stupid on your part.

From Webster Dictionary.
: a former liberal espousing political conservatism
: a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means
Clearly I am not nor ever Item 1
Item 2 is promoting National interest abroad. clearly not what you defined. and B) you would probably fit under this definition.

Please if you are going to insult me please me intelligent about it.

Take your time take off you Liberal rose-colored glasses and realize the if it was not for Republicans there would be no civil rights legislation.

Once again you talk smack.


You are once again sounding insane.
First, "conservatives" barely exist, and you are not one.
Neocons, like yourself, still believe in enslavement...they claim to be the "law and order" party, which means they write ridiculous laws (drug war, debtors prison, privatize prisons and let prison guards write laws, etc.) that put people in jail/prison for money...a type of enslavement.
Regulation is not enslavement.
Yeah, I see you can't even read yourself....they "haven't changed since Lincoln", but they have changed positions 100% since Nixon....and you don't seem to have the capacity to understand the two things are mutually exclusive. don't think there are enough highways, but there are too many salamanders? That seems like a typical assessment from you.

Oh, and for your last post, you are absolutely clearly racist. No question about it for anyone who's read your posts. When you separate people by race then talk crap about the other groups, that's racist, and you do it daily. You seem to just not know what the word means, that's the only explanation for you claiming to NOT be racist. The rest of your post is just insane straw men you made in "only white people can be racist" one said or implied any such just WISH they had so your argument would make sense.


The worst thing about @bobknight33 and @lantern53 s insidious brand of racism is that it turns you into them.

The way to defeat them is with tolerance and understanding.

But I don't have the patience for that. FSM forgive me, I just want to punch them in the face.

That is unequivocally wrong.

It's what they want and it ultimately, it solves nothing. But it's really, really hard to read their constant stream of "I'm not racist, but here's why black people suck" tirades.


Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head.

Black people are just like white people. You should talk with some and you'll come to the same conclusion.


I'll ask you the same favor, spell corrected...Please if you are going to insult me please be intelligent about it.

I would bet that 90% of those claiming to be 'conservative' really meet definition 2 for neocon. I think you clearly fit definition 2.
It is not a complete definition, describing only a small part of their political mindset, but describes the people like you that call themselves 'conservative' today. They do not resemble the people called 'conservative' when I grew up, just as you don't. Back then you all were called jingoists, among other things.
And no, I do not believe in promoting national interest abroad with military actions in almost every case, with exceptions for when we've been actually attacked.


Once again you just spew hyperbole trash.

You can apologize after your read facts. You do know hat a fact is. It is truth. AS of 2014 24% of Americans describe themselves as Liberals and 37% conservative.

As for you call me a Necon. then you add you own definition is just stupid on your part.

From Webster Dictionary.
: a former liberal espousing political conservatism
: a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means
Clearly I am not nor ever Item 1
Item 2 is promoting National interest abroad. clearly not what you defined. and B) you would probably fit under this definition.

Please if you are going to insult me please me intelligent about it.


@lantern53 summed it up well enough.

"Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head."

What kind of " brand of racism " are you referring to?

If you need I could suggest some Anger management course for you.
you will also get your Anger Certificate to hand on the wall.


The worst thing about @bobknight33 and @lantern53 s insidious brand of racism is that it turns you into them.

The way to defeat them is with tolerance and understanding.

But I don't have the patience for that. FSM forgive me, I just want to punch them in the face.

That is unequivocally wrong.

It's what they want and it ultimately, it solves nothing. But it's really, really hard to read their constant stream of "I'm not racist, but here's why black people suck" tirades.


I really don't know how racist a person can be if they admire people like Ben Carson, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Sheriff David Clarke, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, etc.

See, it's not about skin color, it's about shared values.

I criticize Obama, not because of his skin color, but because I don't share his values. Put Allen West in there, and I'll vote for him twice.


Um...ok, perhaps you two didn't say "black people suck", but you two constantly say 'black people suck'.


@lantern53 summed it up well enough.

"Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head."

What kind of " brand of racism " are you referring to?

If you need I could suggest some Anger management course for you.
you will also get your Anger Certificate to hand on the wall.


Going to need some proof on that one, not just an ad hominem attack.

If I criticize black people who are misbehaving, is it any different from you criticizing cops who misbehave?

The difference is, I'm only attacking the ones misbehaving, while you insist that all cops misbehave.


What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.


@lantern53 summed it up well enough.

"Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head."

What kind of " brand of racism " are you referring to?

If you need I could suggest some Anger management course for you.
you will also get your Anger Certificate to hand on the wall.


You raise a good question:

why do black people insist on using the 'n' word?

I ask you because you seem to be an expert in this field.


Seriously This is what you bring to the table? These are my "racist" comments? This is the BK33 racist highlight reel?

You don't need an anger management class you need to have you head examined.

Look at each BK33 quote and then read the rest of my text from each. Read them in context. Facts are not racist.

Then again you don't need facts. If I had chocolate cake with white icing and only ate the cake I would some how be racist for "sparing " the white icing.

And for the grand quote you bring up the Sifts wet dream of racist quotes"
"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."
The actual text does not imply directly or indirectly that I am implying such. It does infers that in the minds of some
( Democratic Senator Robert Byrd,
Democrat Harry Truman,
Democrat Hugo Black,
Democrat Bib Graves
Republican Edward Jackson,
Republican Clifford Jackson
All of which were KKK members) this thought could occur. I am not implying that. Good try.

While many Sifters have actually used the n word in its full spelling, I have not.


What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.


Well it seems we have a situation where people take a lot of comfort and think their beliefs are confirmed by accusing others of being racist.

I think bobknight believes in treating everyone the same, which would make him the opposite of being a racist.

Others here seem to think that you must treat others differently, which flies in the face of equality.


The sad thing for him is, in the eyes of others, you are as you appear in the eyes of others, not as you appear in your own.
He may believe he's not racist, just as Archie Bunker believed he was not racist, I mean he has a "black friend", Mr Jefferson over there (just don't ask Mr Jefferson about Archie).
If he only cares how he looks to himself, just saying his nonsense does the trick. If, on the other hand, he's trying to convince all those who read his comments that he's not racist, he's failing miserably.

I think they both need to watch this weeks episode of "through the wormhole", which dealt with racism and how and why, even though consciously you might not be racist, that doesn't matter so much when we are nearly ALL subconsciously racist (just to different levels). It was quite informative on the subject, and actually made sense of how many 'racist' people can honestly see themselves as non-racist.
In one experiment, racism was manifest in a 'shoot the man with the gun, don't shoot the man with the phone' experiment, where nearly everyone shot the black man with the phone more often than the white man with a phone, including the black people shooting, and everyone took less time to decide to shoot the black man, phone or gun. Amazingly, cops in the experiment seemed to do better than average at NOT shooting the black man, but still shot him faster and more often.


The sad thing is you probably believe that you're not racist.


I contend that common experiences rules most people's feelings, not racism.

A carpenter will eat his lunch with another carpenter. Someone who works in a lab will eat their lunch with a co-worker from the same lab, not the lab two doors down.

Two firefighters will be drawn to one another due to common experience.

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