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Creepy Narcissist Seeks Young Female for Crazed Love-Making

Would you let your daughter date this guy?

I have never seen quite such a perfect example of someone trying to be everything they're not. It's like he's read a whole bunch of women's self help how-to-find-your-soulmate books and written a script from it. This guy made my ladybits spontaneously close over


My name is gwiz.
I'm looking for a supermodel with no opinions of her own, preferably with big fucking honkers and no self-esteem whatsoever. If you don't make friends easy that is much better, because you'll become attached to my student salary and extremely trimmed body. If we click, you'll probably be a millionaire and I'll grudgingly accept you paying my bills.

I also want to be a rocking superstar, but I don't really want to put in the work, so if you already have a musical career that would be great, because then I could K-fed all over it. I know you like dirty boys, so I haven't showered in 8 months, just for you, rawwr.

If you are interested, please send $50 in the mail to my address.

♥♥♥♥♥ XOXO
gwiz loves you.

P.S. $50.


I thought it *might* be a parody, until at 2:30, when he says, "...and you care for your precious body..." and subconsciously bites his lower lip, obviously thinking more than he was saying. Scary dude.

In "When Harry Met Sally," Billy Crystal calls that, "the white man's overbite."


Some highlights with translations:

"My degree is in enginering...that speaks to my practical and analytical side."

But my FROSTED side speaks to the deliciousness that is me! TENNIS anyone?

"When I'm not being my integrated self, I'm wallowing in the muck of my own secret hell just like everybody else."

I'm wallowing in the muck of my own secret hell for all to see online.

"But my parole office says I'm mostly done with that now."

I killed my parole officer.

"I'm a man with a big heart."

It's in a jar in my refrigerator labeled PAROEL OFFCER.

"I'm seeking a connection on many levels..."

Such as intercoursal, sexual and copulatical.

"Yeah baby."

Austin Powers and I own a timeshare in the 1990s.

"If you identify as a very good girl, then we would probably not be a very good fit."

If your remains can be identified, you're too risky to keep as a trophy.

"I'm a bit of a bad boy."

My mom thinks I'm cool.

"If we click, I'll probably challenge you and surprise you sexually."

I'm uncircumcised.


>> ^alien_concept:
I have never seen quite such a perfect example of someone trying to be everything they're not. It's like he's read a whole bunch of women's self help how-to-find-your-soulmate books and written a script from it. This guy made my ladybits spontaneously close over

Oh my goodness.


WTF? Is this a circle jerk of upvotes or what ?
I can't believe Quantummushroom actually got more upvotes than he's seen in his entire VS career !
good going you witty mushroom.


Can you imagine the pain in the ass this guy would be in a relationship. Even the simplest act would involve reflection prior works, and an analytical critique of the unsuitability of your current emotional state. All the while attempting to foster a sense that just beneath the surface there is an ocean of gracious intellect and controlled pain, when in fact all that exists is social anxiety and a deep down confusion and jealously about how all the normal people have "fun".

Frying an egg would provoke unwanted travel stories (second hand) about how they fry eggs in other countries, detailed instruction on how to get the optimum heat dissipation throughout the pan, a lengthy essay on why he uses rice butter, not olive oil etc etc

Engineers...sheesh - I used to flat share with one.

At least my housie could drink.


I believe this is in fact Neil Patrick Harris's older brother who lives in Florida. It wouldn't be the first time that siblings of a gay brother have a hard time adapting emotionally. Combine that with famous, much younger sibling who gets all the attention, and you've got the molecular precursors of pure crazy.

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