Contender For 'Meanest Dad Award'

On the upside, they found Waldo.

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 2:18pm PST - promote requested by LadyDeath.


oh my god these are so funny!

And sweet lord all the nancies that put this "cruelty" and "emotional scarring" on par with molestation need to fucking get a clue


>> ^smooman:
And sweet lord all the nancies that put this "cruelty" and "emotional scarring" on par with molestation need to fucking get a clue

It's not on par with molestation, but the father is still a sadistic fuck for deliberately exposing his daughter to severe psychological distress and laughing about it.

And for those of you who enjoyed this video:

a) Did you enjoy seeing a little girl tricked by an internet prank (kids are gullible! no wai!),


b) did you enjoy seeing a little girl failing to cope with the emotional distress? (HAHA She's Crying!)


>> ^mentality:
>> b) did you enjoy seeing a little girl failing to cope with the emotional distress? (HAHA She's Crying!)

Crying is coping.

But I'm with Jardinero, does anyone know any examples of something like this being actually scarring? Did anyone here get pranked like this in their youth?


Fucking cottonwool generation...

Not these kids in particular, just the ppl bitching about giving someone a good scare.

As pranks go, this is very benign and yes, once Dad buys her some icecream to make up for the fact that he was a douchebag to her, all will be forgiven and forgotten.

Or are we all forgetting our childhoods and how quickly we got over harmless scares like this?


>> ^Lodurr
>> Did anyone here get pranked like this in their youth?

I didn't get pranked by anything like this, but I remember I spent a while insisting I be shown the PC was turned off and unplugged before I would go to bed. For some reason the ending to a Ghostbusters game on my dad's old C64 (the part with the Marshmallow Man parading in front of a building) completely creeped me out.

Depending on the image shown it could have a bit of an after effect, I guess, but I'm with the others who think that nothing like this would result in any serious mental scarring. Worst case is she won't go near the PC for a month or so...

I mean, it didn't do me any lasting harm and I was petrified of that damned C64 for at least a couple of weeks. *looks over shoulder to make sure the Marshmallow Man isn't creeping up on me*


Grow up people. Parents raise children for good and for bad. That's how its supposed to be. I see nothing in the video wrong except normal family life. In the posts above I see a bunch of rightwing nut jobs critizing what looks to be a nice family home. Most likely these posters are religious nut jobs who like to say how morally right they are one minute and the next minute are doing choir boys up the ass then next. Where is Bill O'Reilly when you need him ?


>> ^mentality:
>> ^smooman:
And sweet lord all the nancies that put this "cruelty" and "emotional scarring" on par with molestation need to fucking get a clue

It's not on par with molestation, but the father is still a sadistic fuck for deliberately exposing his daughter to severe psychological distress and laughing about it.
And for those of you who enjoyed this video:
a) Did you enjoy seeing a little girl tricked by an internet prank (kids are gullible! no wai!),
b) did you enjoy seeing a little girl failing to cope with the emotional distress? (HAHA She's Crying!)

deliberate exposition to severe psychological distress?! What fucking planet are you from?!?!? Walking in on my mom performing fellatio on my dad when I was 10 years old, THAT'S severe psychological distress!

For fuck sake go away, nancies!


Jesus Christ people, I guess it would have been better if he kept the girl locked in an ivory tower until she was ready to be married off.

You think the kids at school are going to be nicer and not 10 times as worse?

If anything he's giving the girl a sense of humor, showing her that so-called scary things aren't that bad.


>> ^rougy:
>> ^smooman:
For fuck sake go away, nancies!

Yeah, because only a real man can see the humor in making a little girl cry.

it was fucking hilarious. Thats all there is to it, nuff said.

Now for my actual comment,
b-e-a, utiful


Why is this in the cute channel. *nochannel *kids *comedy *fear
Sorry for the downvote Zonbie. I just find it terrible that a father could be laughing when his daughter is so distressed.

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