Cactus Bodyslamming: Acupuncture for Idiots

Why? WHY?

Based upon the experience I had once of bumping into a table and then absentmindedly attempting to catch a very small potted cactus I had knocked off, I will not be watching this video. I just thought you should know that. Particularly the creators: it wasn't worth making. Hope you're proud of yourselves.


Too stupid to live, and yet still able to breed. It might take a generation or two, but the Darwin Awards will catch up with his offspring (or him, if we're lucky).

Natural selection is fact, not theory.


Somebody has been watching Internet Comment Etiquette.

ps. the worst ones are those with like fine hair instead of needles. You'll be itching for months.


ahahhaa the best part was when he made it okay.
9/11 was an inside job
ron paul for president


yea but the forces acting on evolution currently skew to favor what some would see to be less fitness ... evolution doesnt favor the smart, or the best, just the most fit.

It seems this life and world are most fit for people who dont really care.... and survive through no effort of their own... i mean he could have really fucked up a major artery but no... and i bet he will fuck someone without protection and etc... we've all seen Idiocracy... that is pretty accurate tbh.. he will live long and so will his offspring...


Too stupid to live, and yet still able to breed. It might take a generation or two, but the Darwin Awards will catch up with his offspring (or him, if we're lucky).

Natural selection is fact, not theory.


My 10 year old nephew heard that cactus were edible. So he went ahead and picked one up, and stuck it in his mouth. I spent the next hour with a tweezers and a flash light picking glochids out from his tongue, under his tongue, the roof of his mouth, all along his gum lines, lips, etc. I rather enjoyed it, but he did not. I figured I pulled out at least 100 of the suckers.


"I said I'd do it, so I did it".. and what, the thinking stops there?

When I say I'm going to do something stupid, I'm usually proud of having the foresight and balls to accept I said something stupid and then not do said stupid thing.


I was hoping the next generation would just dare each other to cut off pieces of their bodies until they couldn't move or utter sounds.


That is a pretty good next generation of Jackass

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