British "Reporter" Loses His Shit And Reports The NEWS!

More accurate then the actually televised news.

Great to watch and listen and so accurate, until the Matt Damon comment from he reporter.
Why is it when people make reasonable comment about the strange sexuality of some it is deemed as homophobic when no fear is there, only finding it distasteful.


Perhaps you could use 'misohomo' or some other use of the prefix 'miso' or 'misos' (as used in misogyny and misanthrope). It doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely, but does seem to match the meaning you're looking for.

Oddly enough, I was talking about that with my wife just last night...that we need a new suffix to denote dislike of a thing without the connotation of 'fear'. I could think of nothing better...but I only took Latin-1 (but I did take it twice).


Why is it when people make reasonable comment about the strange sexuality of some it is deemed as homophobic when no fear is there, only finding it distasteful.


I stopped watching the news years ago because I realised that we were being fed pap to keep us amused, while the real news was ignored. Nothing appears to have changed since then, except the lies seem to have got bigger and multiplied.


This man is where MOST of mankind is at this point in time. SO much is happening that makes no sense from those that hold the power. They will destroy the world at theirs and our
expense. I feel the frustration of this has shown.


I think this guy probably lost his job once he finished and went back inside. And why did the producer let that air for so long? Usually the break in with a commercial or fake sudden technical difficulties.

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