Assassination attempt During Pauline Marois Victory Speech

"The separatist Parti Quebecois has won parliamentary elections in the Canadian French-speaking province of Quebec.

As results came, PQ leader Pauline Marois' victory speech was disrupted by a shooting in which one person was killed and another wounded.

Police cleared the hall and arrested a man, before the meeting continued."

>> ^Aniatario:

Actually, after looking into a few pages it's far more likely that little dot is just a dead pixel. A real bullet would've done alot more damage.

I'm squinting as hard as I can. I checked out and didnt see it on that footage, though the resolution on that one is even worse so who knows. I always consider youtube comments pretty suspect, but it seemed to hold water on viewing! It also looks like a projection screen type set material from what I can tell, so I doubt there would be much for a bullet to do but pass through.


I never would have thought of an assassination attempt happening in Canada. But then my knowledge of Canadian politics could be written in large font on the inside cleft of one of my buttcheeks.

Gunterjokingly says...

What a fucking stupid misleading title. This title shouldn't even have assassination attempt anywhere in it. Just Crazy with gun shoots outside a political rally. Know how french tanks differ from all other countries? They go faster in reverse.


A 62-year-old-man man was swiftly arrested outside the venue and a rifle was seized.

The man, wearing a blue robe and with his face partially covered by a balaclava, allegedly entered the venue from the back as Marois was giving a jubilant address calling for unity among Quebecers. The back door was about six metres from the stage.

"He shot at least one shot toward two victims," Const. Danny Richer said.

That's how we do it here folks; in ski masks and bath robes with some old rifle.


>> ^spoco2:

I never would have thought of an assassination attempt happening in Canada. But then my knowledge of Canadian politics could be written in large font on the inside cleft of one of my buttcheeks.

Then you've never heard of the October Crisis. To sum up, in 1970 the separatist FLQ (a Québec nationalist terror group, not a political party like the PQ) graduated from bombings to kidnapping and murder. This prompted the federal government to invoke the War Measures Act and suspend civil liberties to rein it in. Now this Anglo asshole, apparently, has taken it upon himself to even the score. To see this happening in my country makes me sick.


>> ^Gunter:

What a fucking stupid misleading title. This title shouldn't even have assassination attempt anywhere in it. Just Crazy with gun shoots outside a political rally. Know how french tanks differ from all other countries? They go faster in reverse.

You have the benefit of far more detailed and correct information than was available when I posted the video. Congratulations.


I like how stupid Quebec separatists are. As if they don't understand what the United States does. If you secede from Canada, your country will belong to the US. We'll completely control you, and you won't have shit to say about it.

So good luck leaving Canada, enjoy your few weeks of freedom, before GM has a plant in your new country and suddenly there's these things called "slums."


So if it was a dead pixel why does it disappear behind her head and then reappear as she moves her head left and right and then stay stationary in the same exact place even after she is whisked away. Sorry but it looks a bullet hole to me. Damn close too.
>> ^shuac:

>> ^dedstick:
Watch just above her left ear at 0:05 and a dot appears which seems to coincide with the sound of a muffled pop....

Don't be silly, it's obviously a dead pixel. <eye roll>


>> ^Auger8:

So if it was a dead pixel why does it disappear behind her head and then reappear as she moves her head left and right and then stay stationary in the same exact place even after she is whisked away. Sorry but it looks a bullet hole to me. Damn close too.
>> ^shuac:
>> ^dedstick:
Watch just above her left ear at 0:05 and a dot appears which seems to coincide with the sound of a muffled pop....

Don't be silly, it's obviously a dead pixel. <eye roll>

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