Amazing Yoga Ball Flip! (5 secs)

You expect a typical EIA, but no...

I call fake.
That ball is actually a moving pivot point in a gigantic rotating mock-gymnasium.
The actors in the background are all highly skilled wall climbers, and are pretty good at holding on in a giant spinning room situation.

The dude just followed the pivot and jumped over it as it spun, giving the illusion (well pulled off I might add) that he was actually just performing a neat acrobatics trick. Its not possible to do that IRL, its all trickery, thank you modern digital cameras and editing suits.

Brilliant viral ad for fitness balls (which can NOT be used to actually perform this "trick")



Tags for this video have been changed from 'gymnast, man, flip, yoga ball, insane' to 'gymnast, man, flip, yoga ball, exercise ball, exercise, ball, insane' - edited by kronosposeidon

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