Almost Died: Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

"Riding up on suck creek mountain and a truck slams into the car in front of me. Almost got me killed."

From ...

She said it's a funeral procession. Across many states, especially in rural areas, it is the convention for drivers, out of respect for the deceased, to pull-over and stop while a funeral passes by. It's not the law however.


I'm not sure the why of the stoppage is really all that relevant ... I mean, are they suggesting that it would have been OK to slam the guy for some other stoppage reason, but it is disrespectful because it is a funeral procession? Or that he/she slammed the car out of disrespect?


Stopping may be a tradition, but it seems silly. Unless you see a hearse, how is one supposed to divine that the traffic jam is indeed a funeral procession and not Great Gramgram meesin' up everyone's Sunday? ...I guess you have the guy in the green GMC honk and try to run people off the road.

Also, how the F did only 1 car get hit?!


Fuck that. The funeral is going the other way. Keep the other lane moving.

I just had this issue 2 wks ago. The funeral was in the other lane and the guy in front of me pulled 1/2 off the road and stopped. I just went around him and kept going.

Respect just got a guy rear ended. What if there was a injury? Is that worth respect?


She said it's a funeral procession. Across many states, especially in rural areas, it is the convention for drivers, out of respect for the deceased, to pull-over and stop while a funeral passes by. It's not the law however.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'almost died, whoa, that was close, WHOA, near death, road, cars, bike, motorcycle, crash' to 'near death, road, cars, bike, motorcycle, crash, accident, funeral procession' - edited by xxovercastxx


You might not want to stop when a funeral procession is coming the other way, but you sure might want to stop when a car is stopped in front of you.

I recall being pulled over by a cop in Louisiana for passing a funeral procession which was going in the same direction. The cop was PISSED. I still don't know if I broke the law or not, but I won't, at least in that state, be doing that again.


Damn, that's not cool. And you were making such a positive "life goes on" point too!

@Fletch I made a most evil-sounding laugh because of you.


I recall being pulled over by a cop in Louisiana for passing a funeral procession which was going in the same direction. The cop was PISSED. I still don't know if I broke the law or not, but I won't, at least in that state, be doing that again.


The why doesn't matter. If there's a car stopped in the road, STOP.

I'm sure he was distracted by texting or something. It sounded like he didn't hit his brakes until milliseconds before impact, and they were on a straightaway.


This happened about 10 minutes from where I live. And yes, people around here are always stopping in both directions of travel when a funeral procession is passing....and I HATE it! It creates unnecessarily dangerous situations, as evidenced by this video.

HOWEVER, thats no excuse for slamming into the back of another vehicle. Someone was clearly not paying attn. Like someone said, probably texting or distracted by their phone.

((and Im kicking myself for not posting this a week ago when I first saw it))


When a person turns into a corpse first its organs should be harvested, along with any other salvageable material, then it should be disposed of in the most economical and responsible way available. Fertiliser, animal feed, research, whatever.

Anyone who stages a funeral is committing a crime.


Yea, we should just eat our dead.


No way, I want to fuck the corpses. Over and over again. That's way more rational to me. I can just go to McDonalds for food, and Starbucks only gives handjobs...


When a person turns into a corpse first its organs should be harvested, along with any other salvageable material, then it should be disposed of in the most economical and responsible way available. Fertiliser, animal feed, research, whatever.

Anyone who stages a funeral is committing a crime.


Just 2 cents on funeral processions in PA - every car in the procession has to have a little flag on it (magetic, provided by the funeral home); every car has to put its 4-ways (hazards, blinkers) on the whole time; it's pretty easy to see them; as a driver NOT in the procession, you cannot (legally) pass them on a 1 lane road, but 2+ lanes are ok, and opposite side of road people just go about their business. Also, the procession itself does NOT stop - if you are a member of the procession, you go through stop signs, red lights, etc (slowly of course) so that all the cars in the procession are always together.

It's a slight annoyance when the procession is very long, but I've never witnessed nor heard of any accidents being caused because of a procession in PA.

Whatever state "Suck Creek" is in, they should change the law to forbid stopping on the opposite side- respect or no respect, it's just dangerous. Even if the truck was doing the exact speed limit, and was paying attention- if it was a blind corner no one could stop in time.


Religion is bullshit, yes. But we humans seem to have an innate need for ritual for some things. Funerals are a way to cope with death, say goodbye, remember/honor someone, etc. I've been to funerals. Funerals aren't for the dead, and they aren't a bad thing.


Funeral processions are stupid and immoral and bad for the environment, and it turns out dangerous. Funerals themselves are superstitious bullshit. Act rationally and stop making the world worse.


That was most certainly NOT a guy. If you pause it just right, you can see it's a female driver, and she was just being a stupid douche, possibly even just trying to go around the turning traffic like an idiot. There is NO reason to be going into the oncoming lane.


...I guess you have the guy in the green GMC honk and try to run people off the road.


I don't have an innate need for ritual, so you're just making excuses for your irrationality.

Funerals are an expensive way to dispose of spoiled meat. They fund and empower worthless people like funeral directors, priests, florists, etc. who would otherwise be forced to do something useful for humanity; and they consume vital resources to no purpose. You're making the world worse. You're a criminal.

You can do all your remembering, feeling, whatever in a way that doesn't actively make us all poorer.


Religion is bullshit, yes. But we humans seem to have an innate need for ritual for some things. Funerals are a way to cope with death, say goodbye, remember/honor someone, etc. I've been to funerals. Funerals aren't for the dead, and they aren't a bad thing.


Yeah, theres a sign to the right that you can use as a reference point to where they stopped. Watch back and you could see that the driver may not have that much time to react. I would say he had maybe half a second to a second tops to hit the breaks.


They are stopped, on a bend, on a road with an apparent speed limit of ~50mph. Asking for trouble.

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