Why bother posting vids to the video sift
the whole thing is quite stupid , (probably as much as everything else)
I have posted some videos and i can see it as a general thing to just do but after thinking about it it seems a bit piontless ,
why do people care if there video gets voted up , in the end if you like it thats all that matters why should you give a shit if a comunity of people online vote for it ?
I can see the sift as a benofit from an exsternal perspective as you get to see new clips every day and it saves you going through you tube .
but from the perspective of posting videos its a bit stupid . you realy dont get annything out of it,
not that thats a huge issue i mean everything is arguably piontless , but i wonder if on reflectoin if people realy thought about it if they could come to a real conclusoin that posting videos on the video sift was the best thing for them to be doing.
i mean sure its socail and so u do stuff for the sake of the enjoyment within it , but presumably if u have friends u would just put vids on your face book or send it to them directly over msn or whatever you use .
do people realy care about moving up in the system and getting stars and what have you , i know some people like that sort of thing in the same way people try to unlock all the achivments in games , if there is a system in place that has an outcome that can be achived with grind and they can see that its achiveable then they will generaly just do it , regardless of what the system or game is.
Its all a bit strange .
It seems that all human activties are esentualy irratoinal.
I have posted some videos and i can see it as a general thing to just do but after thinking about it it seems a bit piontless ,
why do people care if there video gets voted up , in the end if you like it thats all that matters why should you give a shit if a comunity of people online vote for it ?
I can see the sift as a benofit from an exsternal perspective as you get to see new clips every day and it saves you going through you tube .
but from the perspective of posting videos its a bit stupid . you realy dont get annything out of it,
not that thats a huge issue i mean everything is arguably piontless , but i wonder if on reflectoin if people realy thought about it if they could come to a real conclusoin that posting videos on the video sift was the best thing for them to be doing.
i mean sure its socail and so u do stuff for the sake of the enjoyment within it , but presumably if u have friends u would just put vids on your face book or send it to them directly over msn or whatever you use .
do people realy care about moving up in the system and getting stars and what have you , i know some people like that sort of thing in the same way people try to unlock all the achivments in games , if there is a system in place that has an outcome that can be achived with grind and they can see that its achiveable then they will generaly just do it , regardless of what the system or game is.
Its all a bit strange .
It seems that all human activties are esentualy irratoinal.
on the money side of things not that its the most important aspect of annything .
i always found it strange with comunity websites like twitter , deveant art , sites that are esentualy dependent on the comunity for just about eveything how the users are esntualy making the site owners realy ritch for there work ,
realy the profit should be spred evanly over the users but in reality who ever set the page up makes the cash .
imgin if u had a cinima open up and fair enoughf it took in a sum of money for the actual service it offers , staff , projector seats what have you , but the film / actual content was created by sumone else , if the cinima just got that for free and that was allso there primary atractoin for its customers then the film makers would be realy pissed off.
maby there will be some sort of revolutoin on the internet where all the users of these comunity bassed sites will go on strike and just join sites that give them a fair cut of the profits.
at the moment its not happend , a good example is video websites , most dont realy give the users back mutch and manny of the users of sites that do pay dont evan exsploit it.
allso im pritty sure the ammount of free blogs or people doing things online for free , evan things that are earning others allot of money far outniumber the amount of users actualy getting a shair of money for there time spent.
oh well rant over ,
the only time i can see where users realy wont care is when they are contously doing something for charty or educatoin ,
like wikipidea , or seting up something for philanthropy
I do it for the free ass gravy.
We need a revolution. Let's overthrow siftbot and put a new bot in power. One that gives us money for every video we sift. lol
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
It's a big question you ask. It certainly isn't specific to VideoSift. Why do people post anywhere? For something like Twitter you could make the case that they're communicating with a particular audience, a group of friends or a "following". Likewise a site like Delicious has utility in organizing the links you might want to go back to.
But social sharing sites like the Sift and countless others are different beasts. From my experience I would say it's about touching other peoples' lives. If you post something that you think is great- and you get 10,000 other people to watch it too, it feels like a big deal. Like most things good on the Internet- it's the human interaction aspects that we like and are attracted to. (Chat Roulette)
You mention money- and I'm not saying that people wouldn't like it if we started giving out hundred dollar bills for reaching the top 15- but in general I think people aren't looking for this. The social sites that pay for achievements always seem cheap and nasty to me - and appealing to a very low denominator.
I would rather that a community like ours, that is built on altruism and meritocratic behavior, had a non-profit co-op kind of model wherein members could invest themselves into the ownership of the Sift. I've looked into it - but I don't have the financial chops - or even the money - to make this happen, but it's a solid idea.
I do it to give away free A$$ GR@V33.
I always sift for myself. My sifts are like a collection of my divergent interests in music, planes, weapons and etc.
I do it for beer and pussy. being the only sifter from the tiny state of Slovenia has its advantages - women line up to blow my cock and people buy me beer wherever I go. there, my secret is out
It's a great way to fill bars.
I just like doing irratoinal things
VideoSift is essentially an MMO. Posting videos is grinding, and getting star points is leveling up. It's addictive.
The only difference is, Blizzard make a few million dollars each month, VideoSift does not.
I do it for the narcissism.
Just like twitter, facebook, etc, it's all about getting the attention of other human beings (or human-being simulations.)
What's the point of fooling yourself into thinking there's any higher purpose?
i do it for the fame and fortune
I do it to pass time and escape reality - I also think it's fun!
Wait... this is a video site?
sinse wen did you becom a exitstencilist?
Wait, are you saying you'd pay for ass gravy if you didn't have videosift?
>> ^burdturgler:
I do it for the free ass gravy.
I do it for a random sense of community. Cuz sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name. And they're always glad you came. You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
Fuck Cheers! They don't let black people in there, FUCK CHEERS!
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