Thoughts on the Top 15

Once your video video cracks the Top 15 it's pretty sweet, because you know after that the odds are in favor of its vote total increasing by 20% to 500%. And we all know how sweet that vote crack is.

However, lately I've been wondering if we should shorten the length of time a video can sit in the Top 15. Right now a video can sit there for 4 days from the moment it was queued (NOT published. I mention that because every couple of months a new sifter asks why his or her video fell out of the Top 15 so quickly.) However we shortened queue time from 4 days to 3 days, so that means published videos can sit there even longer than before.

Therefore I believe the length of time a video can sit in the Top 15 should be shortened to 3 days as well. Not just for the sake of parity, but mainly so that we have higher turnover in the Top 15, thus making it more worthy of perusal. Frankly I get a little tired of seeing the same videos sit there for 2 or 3 days, so I've found myself ignoring the Top 15 more often as of late. I even get tired of seeing my own videos sit there. I want to see a list that's always worth checking out.

The biggest downside to this is obvious: We all get a little less of that sweet sweet vote crack. The upside: Other videos have a better chance of cracking the Top 15. I have my account set to see the Top 20, and it bothers me to see a great video sit at #16 or #17 because I know a lot fewer people will view it and vote on it. And as that famous guy once said, "That ain't right."

Now maybe you think this idea is great, or maybe you want to punch me in my adorable bazooka squirrel balloon animal Jesus face. So to keep this democratic I have posted the first two comments, and I'm asking you to vote on which one sounds better:

a) Keep the 4 day rule
b) Change to a 3 day rule

Please share your thoughts about this idea too. If you have a better idea then by all means speak up. Thanks.

ADMINS: If either or both vote totals for my comments exceed 15 please take away the stars that I would get. I'm not doing this as a cheap ploy to get a couple more stars. I prefer to get my comment stars the old-fashioned way - By sticking to my usual sick, disturbing writing style.
Zifnab says...

I would like to see this taken a step further, I think it should be 2 or 3 days (maybe even 2 and a half) from the published date. That would give every video an even playing field.

There are a number of good videos that will remain in the queue for a couple of days or more. Once they finally get published they gain some good momentum and finally hit the Top 15 only to quickly fall off because their total time has hit 4 days even though they were only published for a little over a day. Also a video that has gone through a *beg will never be able to hit the top 15 as it stands.

uhohzombies says...

I like Zifnab's idea. Allowing it 24-48 hours from the moment a video gets sifted, as opposed to queued, gives equal footing to all videos, even if you had to *beg something quality in order to get it published because of poor timing. The more dynamic the top 15 is the better, imo.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The reason that the top 15 is cool- is because a video does stay around for a while and gets more attention. It becomes a focal point for the community with an interesting comment thread evolving around it.

If you shorten the time that a video gets to live in the top 15, you'll have higher turnover of videos, sure- but overall it will be less interesting as an achievement.

djsunkid says...

>> ^dag:
The reason that the top 15 is cool- is because a video does stay around for a while and gets more attention. It becomes a focal point for the community with an interesting comment thread evolving around it.

If you shorten the time that a video gets to live in the top 15, you'll have higher turnover of videos, sure- but overall it will be less interesting as an achievement.

True enough, but videos only last a day or three at most on there now because the timer starts counting at queue date. I think change to 3days from publish time. Vids will still hang out for a while on there, but more vids will have a chance to make it.

This discussion reminds me of an idea that was mentioned before. What if videos that made top15 had a little medal designating their top15 status? This system of special achievement awards works very well on Newgrounds. Why not here?

rottenseed says...

>> ^Zifnab:
I would like to see this taken a step further, I think it should be 2 or 3 days (maybe even 2 and a half) from the published date. That would give every video an even playing field.
There are a number of good videos that will remain in the queue for a couple of days or more. Once they finally get published they gain some good momentum and finally hit the Top 15 only to quickly fall off because their total time has hit 4 days even though they were only published for a little over a day. Also a video that has gone through a beg will never be able to hit the top 15 as it stands.

Pfffffft! What the hell do you know about submitting videos, probie?

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^dag:
The reason that the top 15 is cool- is because a video does stay around for a while and gets more attention. It becomes a focal point for the community with an interesting comment thread evolving around it.

If you shorten the time that a video gets to live in the top 15, you'll have higher turnover of videos, sure- but overall it will be less interesting as an achievement.

I think most everyone here agrees that the Top 15 is cool, but what precisely makes it cool? Does a 4 day period make it cooler than a 3 day period? I don't think so. With a 3 day period that starts from the published date every video will still have a chance to rack up major votes, and yet they won't monopolize the Top 15 quite as long. This will give other videos that are equally deserving a better shot at the big time, and it will also make the list fresher and more interesting. That, to me, is what's cool.

Right now as I'm writing this, the laughing Haitian weatherman has 176 votes, and yet it STILL has almost 16 hours before it will drop off the top. I like it; I gave it my upvote (as did many other people); but it will be in the Top 15 for almost half a week before it bids us adieu. Talk about wearing out your welcome. I wouldn't let that dude stay at my house more than three days, tops.

Seriously, this is about videos not becoming stale. Also from a business standpoint, I think more people would be inclined to visit a video site if they knew every day there would be several new and interesting videos to watch in the Top 15.

We're not talking about up-ending a time honored tradition here, just fine tuning it to make it a little better. I realize that whatever the membership decides here is not binding in any way, but I think if enough experienced sifters vote in favor of either my original proposal or Zifnab's proposal, you should give it serious consideration.

And on a more serious note, if either rottenseed's or Sarzy's comments about changing my avatar back to balloon animal Jesus receives 15 votes or more, I'll change it back. Because I believe in America.

Krupo says...

"Seriously, this is about videos not becoming stale. Also from a business standpoint, I think more people would be inclined to visit a video site if they knew every day there would be several new and interesting videos to watch in the Top 15. "

We're not really a "business business", but I agree with this logic regardless.

James Roe says...

I tend to agree that it should be shorter. For instance the current top video has only garnered about 10 more votes in the last 24 hours. Yet it's going to stick around for another day or so because of its now insurmountable lead.

gwiz665 says...

Hmm, is there a way that we can see like a top 100, or more? Maybe with a user-chosen timelimit?

So for instance, I could see top 75 from between january and march of 2008. That would be killer.

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