The 1st Annual Sifties Results are In!

Due to database restraints and other factors- we weren't able to address all of the proposed categories. However - there's some good stuff here. The winner of each category gets the lovely, hard-to-find (except in my garage) Official VideoSift T-shirt. In the case of a tie- two shirts are awarded. Without further babbling - here are the results:

Highest Ranked Comments in 2007

What the Heck is Budapest (comment) by Sketch - 28 net votes
TV Still has no Fcking Idea ... (comment) by sometimes - 28 net votes
Talk to Kids (comment) by dag - 28 net votes
Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old ... (comment) by kronosposeidon - 27 net votes
An Intimate Kitty Conversation ... (comment) by MINK - 25 net votes
12 Soldiers Remains ... (comment) by MarineGunrock - 25 net votes
Anal Pillow Talk (comment) by kronosposeidon - 25 net votes

Sifters with Most Comment Up-Votes Received in 2007

dag - 937
MarineGunrock - 852
kronosposeidon - 714
choggie - 553
rottenseed - 533
karaidl - 511
raven - 468

Sifters with Most Video Up-Votes Received in 2007

Zifnab - 18008
eric3579 - 16582
Fedquip - 12693
mlx - 11933
Farhad2000 - 11487
deputydog - 9504
silvercord - 9346

Sifters with Most Published Videos

Farhad2000 - 655
Zifnab - 569
mlx - 461
eric3579 - 459
Fedquip - 429
silvercord - 425
choggie - 379

Sifters with Most Comments Posted

choggie - 6729
ant - 4957
Farhad2000 - 4007
dag - 3573
Krupo - 3123
looris - 3090
swampgirl - 3076

Longest Comment Threads of the Year

The Atheist Delusion by karaidl - 119 comments
The Right Brain vs. The Left Brain by blankfist - 106 comments
9/11 Mysteries-Fine Art of Structural Demolitions by choggie - 105 comments
ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really by kronosposeidon - 105 comments
The Monty Hall Problem by plastiquemonkey - 97 comments
A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question by dag - 95 comments
Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic by blankfist - 83 comments
choggie says...

The only reason I beat out farhad for comments, is that he left the school thing for the work thing, and I haven't worked for real since I left college......come to think of it, I've never had anything but a well-developed shirk ethic....

Inane ramblings beat out well-researched diatribes, HANDS DOWN!!

"If you build it....they will come!"
-Field of Dreams

kronosposeidon says...

^"...well-developed shirk ethic..."

Priceless. Give that man a Siftie, goddammit!

PS: Is there an award for the sifter whose name appears most often in the award categories BESIDES dag? (Mmmhmm...ME!) Hey, selfish-bastardism is a hallmark of the Sift. I'm not immune. If I can't get a t-shirt, do you have VideoSift thong bikini? I wouldn't mind wearing it and dancing around in front of a floor-length mirror. (Sorry, joedirt. Don't mean to bring back any traumatic memories.)

Man, the Thunderbird is really starting to kick in. G'night.

MarineGunrock says...

Also, I like to submit this for your consideration:

In my less than seven months, I've posted 2,828 comments. If I was here since January of '07. I might have beaten Ant for comments posted, and came very close to Choggie.

Yeah, I'm a loser.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes I agree - me using my bully pulpit is not quite fair- MG will get his tee.

I was going to filter me out completely- but I wanted the stats to be right more.

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