Thank you for supporting VideoSift

Hello all - I just want to take a moment to talk a little bit about the finance of VideoSift.

Our main costs are our servers (3) and our CDN subscription. Whatever is left from that we put into an account to fund things like the artists who make our badges, or developer/designers for our next major (VS 6.0?) update.

And yes, whatever is left from that ... Lucky and I take as a stipend for working on the site. We're also planning to bring two more community managers on board. People have come forward and offered to do this for free, but we really, really want to pay as we think it's deserving work that we want to support.

We do have advertising and it pays the majority of our bills but the market has been dipping a bit lately and I'll be honest and say we'd rather get the money from the community. I'll be even more honest and say that it would be great if we could get rid of advertising all together and rely on things like charter memberships or quality video sponsorships - like the great one we received last week.

VideoSift is run by you - with some benign overlording and development by @lucky760 and yours truly. We have had Charter Members for literally years who have chipped in on a monthly basis to support the running cost of the site - (I know who you are).

So - thank you for supporting VideoSift with your work on the site - and financially. We know that many of you have put a lot of effort into our community and it's sometimes scary, a little humbling - and makes me feel that Lucky and I have a reciprocal responsibility to be responsive to you. I will respond to any question, idea, thought, query or complaint. - Bring it on.

If you haven't become a charter member yet - and you'd like to support THE independent video community - now's you're chance. Not only will it remove all the ads for you - but you'll get that rosy glow - and my personal gratitude - whatever that's worth from a man in a Wampa hat.
lucky760 says...

Indeed. All you existing and long, long term charters who've been on the program for > 6 years now are incredible specimens of awesomeness. All the folks who buy Power Points and send gift charterships are kick-ass as well.

Those of you who have abstained, but can afford the tiny bit it costs for the keen upgrades we have available, we would be much obliged for your support.


Fantomas says...

Happy to do so @dag. Not my first chartership, but the first on this account.

7 dollarydoos a month is very little and shouldn't be a hindrance for many, so hopefully there will be a decent number of signups.

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