Photo sift

It would be amazing if a Photo sift sight could be crated. basically the same as video sift but just embeds photographs i would love to host it myself. just an idea !
rembar says...

It seems to me that pictures and videos differ in a couple significant ways as forms of media. For example, pictures tend to be uploaded and taken down a lot quicker, and it's a lot easier to dupe or modify and reupload a picture than it is to do the same with a video.

Still, it might be nice to give it a shot.

choggie says...

News? Music?, writing?

How...about.....- an interactive collection of all of that, infinitely combinable, saaaaay...a great user pic, witha special mp3-ish tune, on top of a user quip,(any quoteable salutation er sentiment, fer that matter) that you could e-mail as a birthday wish or greeting card....(of course, the courteous-est would be to give props, to all contributors....

as in, we all share in the glory of the internet, to cut and paste our own story...which is what most do anyhow.....(I got stories, plenty, as do we all)

fer instance, a greeting card, wit a photo westy took, a remark of yer chooosin' from anywhere, and sayyyyy, a buncha lame fonts and formats to choose from for presentation-

this is hard to provide???
I THINK NOT!....just some proprietary props to software insects, and a bit more work.....

But, if it does happen.... Gotta be called westy-something....

westy says...

it would probably be a good idea to allow self linking

additionally compatitoins could easily be held using the voting system
i'm sure many camera companies would be interested to pay for the comp and offer prizes aditoinaly this would atract traffic and bring in more advertising profit.

people would likely want to have an airea with there photographs still this could all be hosted by Flikr and the likes.

as for filtering porn users can do that u can have it so people have to click an 18+ button before entering the queue and users will filter out porn with the sift bot banning the user who posted it perminatly.

as for images coming and going most people i know with flkr accounts keep content up.

and unlike a flash movies where a .FLV exists weather or not the clip exists. if a image was non exsistant it would be relitivly easy for sift bot to just deleat the post.

due to the amount of pictures posted online on the varouse sites its often hard to find good images without putting in considerables effort the sift system of voting content onto a front page is perfect to help people see a colectoin of fantastic and original photographs every day.

I think news and the such like is covered by sites like digg however photography , video r not

MINK says...

i would kinda like this, but i hope videosift doesn't bloat, even vs3 sounds bloaty to me, let alone having a photo site too.

and photos are really different to videos. one problem with photos is they work much more on production values... i mean loads of boring photos get upvoted and 1000 comments saying "wow that's an amazing sunset/flower/macroshotofdewonabladeofgrass! What camera does he use? Do you have photoshop CS2 or CS3?"

westy says...

MNK i think you could solv the problem of to many boring photos making it to front by just increasing the vote amount till frontage. although some picks might be nondescript it would be nice to activly encorage a story behind the images. this has happend acidently with video clips where some people post clips with a book worth of coment.

i do agree sometimes technicalities can often ocupy people however on submital of an image camra typ image typ software used ect can all be typed in removing the need for people to ask

pipp3355 says...

haven't read all the comments here but i'm all for a photo site. i've posted a few sift talk posts with links to funny photographs (i'm careful to make sure they're only the best tho and worth breaking sift-talk posting etiquette for). even a subsection of sifttalk could be used for this - like a 'photo forum'.. only obstacles i can think of is bandwith and copyright issues but i'm guessing these would be the same as videosift, right?

winkler1 says...

A couple sites along these lines- - currently showing - this site is kind of interesting, but has no tagging so they can't do "related" like the Sift.

If you were to completely genericize the Sift, and annotate/vote for anything with a URL.. wouldn't you'd have ?

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