Personal Top Channels (update): what kind of sifter are you?
Personal top channels tell a lot about the sifter's taste (and I think should be made public on the profile! What do you think?), so please share (and compare); especially our new members..
UPDATE: top 86 Overall Top Channels!
1. Comedy - 5289921 votes received
2. Music - 3179909 votes received
3. Politics - 2826072 votes received
4. Everything geek - 2052843 votes received
5. Vintage - 1470490 votes received
6. WTF - 1259117 votes received
7. Animation - 1253970 votes received
8. Worldaffairs - 901589 votes received
9. Nature - 896498 votes received
10. 1stTube - 828706 votes received
11. Rocknroll - 814359 votes received
12. British - 790813 votes received
13. Cinema - 736348 votes received
14. Parody - 712758 votes received
15. Election08 - 710377 votes received
16. Documentaries - 661941 votes received
17. Cute - 656022 votes received
18. Waronterror - 654652 votes received
19. Viral - 634034 votes received
20. Commercial - 545218 votes received
21. Eia - 543234 votes received
22. Ball flexin' - 527505 votes received
23. Dark - 520861 votes received
24. Science - 494758 votes received
25. Sport - 487821 votes received
26. Art - 484944 votes received
27. Latenight - 469845 votes received
28. Horrorshow - 468944 votes received
29. Catsanddogs - 410197 votes received
30. Livemusic - 386966 votes received
31. Lies - 384926 votes received
32. Asia - 383632 votes received
33. Woohoo - 376473 votes received
34. Canada - 364253 votes received
35. Videogames - 348489 votes received
36. Religion - 347012 votes received
37. Happy - 335573 votes received
38. 80s - 330779 votes received
39. Femme - 328202 votes received
40. History - 320320 votes received
41. News - 306741 votes received
42. Terrible - 292836 votes received
43. Military - 288666 votes received
44. Scifi - 286366 votes received
45. Kids - 278385 votes received
46. Engineering - 272741 votes received
47. Standup - 268248 votes received
48. Howto - 253863 votes received
49. Sexuality - 242079 votes received
50. Humanitarian - 241118 votes received
51. Wheels - 224577 votes received
52. Spacy - 215044 votes received
53. Fear - 206190 votes received
54. Downunder - 193863 votes received
55. Drugs - 177705 votes received
56. Travel - 162704 votes received
57. Obscure - 152070 votes received
58. Wings - 147460 votes received
59. Cooking - 138064 votes received
60. Hiphop - 115620 votes received
61. Gay - 111307 votes received
62. Books - 102954 votes received
63. Shortfilms - 94894 votes received
64. Philosophy - 94117 votes received
65. Meme - 91288 votes received
66. Timeshift - 84897 votes received
67. Cult - 83079 votes received
68. Love - 67871 votes received
69. Islam - 62312 votes received
70. Teens - 61914 votes received
71. Comics - 57523 votes received
72. Wildwestshow - 54832 votes received
73. Bravo - 52302 votes received
74. Jazz - 48022 votes received
75. Eco - 45089 votes received
76. Talks - 42346 votes received
77. Grindhouse - 38356 votes received
78. Future - 34288 votes received
79. Mystery - 33808 votes received
80. Magic - 23027 votes received
81. Brain - 19715 votes received
82. Money - 12554 votes received
83. Dance - 11538 votes received
84. Controversy - 8331 votes received
85. Metal - 7270 votes received
86. Law - 6647 votes received
Since the end of 2008 the personal top channels are displayed by the highest number of votes you have received for any of your videos in that channel (instead of the total number of votes you have cast for a channel, see here and here for those good ol' stats).
UPDATE: top 86 Overall Top Channels!
1. Comedy - 5289921 votes received
2. Music - 3179909 votes received
3. Politics - 2826072 votes received
4. Everything geek - 2052843 votes received
5. Vintage - 1470490 votes received
6. WTF - 1259117 votes received
7. Animation - 1253970 votes received
8. Worldaffairs - 901589 votes received
9. Nature - 896498 votes received
10. 1stTube - 828706 votes received
11. Rocknroll - 814359 votes received
12. British - 790813 votes received
13. Cinema - 736348 votes received
14. Parody - 712758 votes received
15. Election08 - 710377 votes received
16. Documentaries - 661941 votes received
17. Cute - 656022 votes received
18. Waronterror - 654652 votes received
19. Viral - 634034 votes received
20. Commercial - 545218 votes received
21. Eia - 543234 votes received
22. Ball flexin' - 527505 votes received
23. Dark - 520861 votes received
24. Science - 494758 votes received
25. Sport - 487821 votes received
26. Art - 484944 votes received
27. Latenight - 469845 votes received
28. Horrorshow - 468944 votes received
29. Catsanddogs - 410197 votes received
30. Livemusic - 386966 votes received
31. Lies - 384926 votes received
32. Asia - 383632 votes received
33. Woohoo - 376473 votes received
34. Canada - 364253 votes received
35. Videogames - 348489 votes received
36. Religion - 347012 votes received
37. Happy - 335573 votes received
38. 80s - 330779 votes received
39. Femme - 328202 votes received
40. History - 320320 votes received
41. News - 306741 votes received
42. Terrible - 292836 votes received
43. Military - 288666 votes received
44. Scifi - 286366 votes received
45. Kids - 278385 votes received
46. Engineering - 272741 votes received
47. Standup - 268248 votes received
48. Howto - 253863 votes received
49. Sexuality - 242079 votes received
50. Humanitarian - 241118 votes received
51. Wheels - 224577 votes received
52. Spacy - 215044 votes received
53. Fear - 206190 votes received
54. Downunder - 193863 votes received
55. Drugs - 177705 votes received
56. Travel - 162704 votes received
57. Obscure - 152070 votes received
58. Wings - 147460 votes received
59. Cooking - 138064 votes received
60. Hiphop - 115620 votes received
61. Gay - 111307 votes received
62. Books - 102954 votes received
63. Shortfilms - 94894 votes received
64. Philosophy - 94117 votes received
65. Meme - 91288 votes received
66. Timeshift - 84897 votes received
67. Cult - 83079 votes received
68. Love - 67871 votes received
69. Islam - 62312 votes received
70. Teens - 61914 votes received
71. Comics - 57523 votes received
72. Wildwestshow - 54832 votes received
73. Bravo - 52302 votes received
74. Jazz - 48022 votes received
75. Eco - 45089 votes received
76. Talks - 42346 votes received
77. Grindhouse - 38356 votes received
78. Future - 34288 votes received
79. Mystery - 33808 votes received
80. Magic - 23027 votes received
81. Brain - 19715 votes received
82. Money - 12554 votes received
83. Dance - 11538 votes received
84. Controversy - 8331 votes received
85. Metal - 7270 votes received
86. Law - 6647 votes received
Since the end of 2008 the personal top channels are displayed by the highest number of votes you have received for any of your videos in that channel (instead of the total number of votes you have cast for a channel, see here and here for those good ol' stats).
1. Music - 4780 votes received (music talk)
2. Arts - 2439 votes received (art talk)
3. Obscure - 2044 votes received (obscure talk)
4. Dark - 1244 votes received (dark talk)
5. Animation - 1205 votes received (animation talk)
6. British Invasion - 878 votes received (british talk)
7. Short Films - 839 votes received (shortfilms talk)
8. FemmeSift - 785 votes received (femme talk)
9. Documentary Channel - 782 votes received (documentaries talk)
10. Drugs - 763 votes received (drugs talk)
7 months ago:
1. Music - 3009 votes received (music talk)
2. Arts - 1863 votes received (art talk)
3. Obscure - 1089 votes received (obscure talk)
4. Animation - 784 votes received (animation talk)
5. Dark - 671 votes received (dark talk)
6. Rock & Roll - 641 votes received (rocknroll talk)
7. Documentary Channel - 579 votes received (documentaries talk)
8. British Invasion - 561 votes received (british talk)
9. Short Films - 532 votes received (shortfilms talk)
10. Comedy - 514 votes received (comedy talk)
Dark/British/Short films moved up, Animation/Documentary moved down
Femme / Drugs entry
Comedy / Rocknroll exit
1. Comedy - 2995 votes received
2. Music - 1856 votes received
3. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 1473 votes received
4. Religion - 1219 votes received
5. Animation - 1119 votes received
6. Ball-Flexin' - 1005 votes received
7. Dark - 820 votes received
8. Politics - 813 votes received
9. Everything geek - 769 votes received
10. Terrible! Who gave thatt a green light? - 760 votes received
I am a little ambivalent as to how much this really tells. It is generally much more easy to receive votes for Comedy than for Jazz/Blues, for instance. To give a true representation the results should be weighted somehow. But if you take Comedy and Actionpack with a grain of salt, I am quite proud of this list.
Pssssttt... How do we get those stats?? (Please & Thankyou!)
EDIT: Of course... I always just figured these were for the whole site - I never actualy read the words "Personal Top Channels"
Click on the channels tab to get your list. Here's mine:
1. Comedy - 6413 votes received (comedy talk)
2. Cinema - 4338 votes received (cinema talk)
3. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 3082 votes received (1sttube talk)
4. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 2667 votes received (wtf talk)
5. Music - 2447 votes received (music talk)
6. Commercial Sift - 1884 votes received (commercial talk)
7. Animation - 1732 votes received (animation talk)
8. Ball-Flexin' - 1611 votes received (actionpack talk)
9. Everything geek - 1326 votes received (geek talk)
10. A Bit of Parody - 1326 votes received (parody talk)
1. Politics - 532 votes received (politics talk)
2. Comedy - 499 votes received (comedy talk)
3. What's Fit to Sift - 457 votes received (news talk)
4. Everything geek - 434 votes received (geek talk)
5. Terrible! Who gave thatt a green light? - 388 votes received (terrible talk)
6. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 375 votes received (wtf talk)
7. Science - 359 votes received (science talk)
8. Sci-Fi Fandom - 337 votes received (scifi talk)
9. Religion - 326 votes received (religion talk)
10. Talks - debates, lectures and more - 304 votes received (talks talk)
1. Music - 1432 votes received (music)
2. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 1304 votes received (vintage)
3. Spanning Time - 799 votes received (history)
4. Documentary Channel - 783 votes received (documentaries)
5. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 707 votes received (wtf)
6. Comedy - 688 votes received (comedy)
7. Wheels Channel - 665 votes received (wheels)
8. British Invasion - 558 votes received (british)
9. The agony and the ecstacy of engineering - 554 votes received (engineering)
10. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 524 votes received (1sttube)
The post 3/11 tallies still bug me, but this is still a fair representation of my interests.
1. Comedy - 12937 votes received (comedy)
2. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 8753 votes received (1sttube)
3. Music - 5314 votes received (music)
4. British Invasion - 4904 votes received (british)
5. Animation - 2811 votes received (animation)
6. Cinema - 2771 votes received (cinema)
7. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 2482 votes received (vintage)
8. Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation - 2442 votes received (woohoo)
9. Rock & Roll - 2164 votes received (rocknroll)
10. Late Night - 1951 votes received (latenight)
1. Comedy - 15717 votes received (comedy talk)
2. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 12483 votes received (wtf talk)
3. Politics - 6280 votes received (politics talk)
4. What you FEAR most! - 5297 votes received (fear talk)
5. Election 2008 - 4025 votes received (election08 talk)
6. Cinema - 3372 votes received (cinema talk)
7. Music - 3330 votes received (music talk)
8. A Bit of Parody - 3142 votes received (parody talk)
9. Cats and Dogs + others - 2140 votes received (catsanddogs talk)
10. Everything geek - 1956 votes received (geek talk)
1. Music - 14596 votes received (music talk)
2. Politics - 9107 votes received (politics talk)
3. Obscure - 7555 votes received (obscure talk)
4. Domestic Policy & Foreign Affairs - 4190 votes received (worldaffairs talk)
5. Global War on Terror - 3750 votes received (waronterror talk)
6. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 3652 votes received (vintage talk)
7. Comedy - 3628 votes received (comedy talk)
8. Army, Navy And The Air Force - 3183 votes received (military talk)
9. Everything geek - 2757 votes received (geek talk)
10. Animation - 2624 votes received (animation talk)
1. Comedy - 2333 votes received (comedy talk)
2. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 2034 votes received (wtf talk)
3. Politics - 2002 votes received (politics talk)
4. Controversy - 1600 votes received (controversy talk)
5. Music - 1556 votes received (music talk)
6. Dark - 1548 votes received (dark talk)
7. What's Fit to Sift - 1543 votes received (news talk)
8. Terrible! Who gave thatt a green light? - 1415 votes received (terrible talk)
9. Cinema - 1369 votes received (cinema talk)
10. Obscure - 1123 votes received (obscure talk)
1. Comedy - 33061 votes received (comedy talk)

2. Everything geek - 13029 votes received (geek talk)
3. Animation - 11744 votes received (animation talk)
4. British Invasion - 10704 votes received (british talk)
5. Video (game) Sift - 8967 votes received (videogames talk)
6. A Bit of Parody - 8728 votes received (parody talk)
7. Music - 7731 votes received (music talk)
8. Australia, NZ and Oceania - 6630 votes received (downunder talk)
9. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 6164 votes received (wtf talk)
10. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 5442 votes received (1sttube talk)
Over 50,000 votes received now
Comedy - 11143 votes received (comedy talk)
What the F*ck Just Happened? - 6643 votes received (wtf talk)
Dark - 4396 votes received (dark talk)
Animation - 3489 votes received (animation talk)
Video (game) Sift - 3441 votes received (videogames talk)
1stTube: the best clips of television - 3323 votes received (1sttube talk)
Everything geek - 3322 votes received (geek talk)
Music - 3188 votes received (music talk)
British Invasion - 3144 votes received (british talk)
Ball-Flexin' - 2920 votes received (actionpack talk)
1. Documentary Channel - 4718 votes received (documentaries talk)
2. Science - 4411 votes received (science talk)
3. Spanning Time - 2041 votes received (history talk)
4. The Serenity of Nature video collection - 1959 votes received (nature talk)
5. Talks - debates, lectures and more - 1416 votes received (talks talk)
6. Arts - 1269 votes received (art talk)
7. Philosophical Society - 1136 votes received (philosophy talk)
8. British Invasion - 822 votes received (british talk)
9. Comedy - 807 votes received (comedy talk)
10. Animation - 782 votes received (animation talk)
What. The. Hell.
Have I been abusing the happy tag? I Mean, HAPPY???
Lame. I guess I have all those cat videos to blame.
Darn happy cats.
Happy - 575 votes received (happy talk)
Music - 561 votes received (music talk)
Animation - 479 votes received (animation talk)
Comedy - 459 votes received (comedy talk)
Cute - 404 votes received (cute talk)
Cats and Dogs + others - 369 votes received (catsanddogs talk)
Dark - 361 votes received (dark talk)
Everything geek - 303 votes received (geek talk)
1stTube: the best clips of television - 260 votes received (1sttube talk)
Comic Books - 236 votes received (comics talk)
1. Comedy - 4520 votes received (comedy talk)
2. Animation - 3437 votes received (animation talk)
3. Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation - 3313 votes received (woohoo talk)
4. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 2921 votes received (1sttube talk)
5. Music - 2178 votes received (music talk)
6. Dark - 1511 votes received (dark talk)
7. Talks - debates, lectures and more - 1272 votes received (talks talk)
8. Arts - 1213 votes received (art talk)
9. Live Music - 1104 votes received (livemusic talk)
10. Human Sexuality - 1045 votes received (sexuality talk) -- I'm all grown up now.
8 Months ago:
1. Comedy - 3797 votes cast (comedy talk)
2. Politics - 1797 votes cast (politics talk)
3. Music - 1485 votes cast (music talk)
4. Everything geek - 1458 votes cast (geek talk)
5. Animation - 1038 votes cast (animation talk)
6. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 1004 votes cast (1sttube talk)
7. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 968 votes cast (wtf talk)
8. Election 2008 - 848 votes cast (election08 talk)
9. Cinema - 805 votes cast (cinema talk)
10. A Bit of Parody - 672 votes cast (parody talk)
I think we should be able to have both stats.. I'd certainly like to see what I've voted for too.
From October 13, 3008:
1. Comedy - 11065 votes received (comedy talk)
2. Music - 7287 votes received (music talk)
3. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 7231 votes received (wtf talk)
4. A Bit of Parody - 4199 votes received (parody talk)
5. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 3972 votes received (1sttube talk)
6. Everything geek - 3874 votes received (geek talk)
7. Dark - 3284 votes received (dark talk)
8. Rock & Roll - 3097 votes received (rocknroll talk)
9. Politics - 2848 votes received (politics talk)
10. Animation - 2716 votes received (animation talk)
From today, May 27, 2009
1. Comedy - 14138 votes received (comedy talk)
2. Music - 10978 votes received (music talk)
3. What the F*ck Just Happened? - 9282 votes received (wtf talk)
4. A Bit of Parody - 5598 votes received (parody talk)
5. Dark - 5232 votes received (dark talk)
6. Everything geek - 5022 votes received (geek talk)
7. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 4772 votes received (1sttube talk)
8. Rock & Roll - 4097 votes received (rocknroll talk)
9. Animation - 4082 votes received (animation talk)
10. Cinema - 3613 votes received (cinema talk)
Politics dropped out completely, and Cinema debuted at #10. The rest barely moved, if it all.
>> ^Ornthoron
I am a little ambivalent as to how much this really tells. It is generally much more easy to receive votes for Comedy than for Jazz/Blues, for instance. To give a true representation the results should be weighted somehow. But if you take Comedy and Actionpack with a grain of salt, I am quite proud of this list.
If we have all the statistics (not just the top ten of your personal channel) you could calculate your personal deviation from the overall top channels:
1. Comedy - 5289921 votes received
2. Music - 3179909 votes received
3. Politics - 2826072 votes received
4. Geek - 2052843 votes received
5. Vintage - 1470490 votes received
6. WTF - 1259117 votes received
7. Animation - 1253970 votes received
8. Worldaffairs - 901589 votes received
9. Nature - 896498 votes received
10. 1stTube - 828706 votes received
11. Rocknroll - 814359 votes received
12. British - 790813 votes received
13. Cinema - 736348 votes received
14. Parody - 712758 votes received
15. Election08 - 710377 votes received
16. Documentaries - 661941 votes received
17. Cute - 656022 votes received
18. Waronterror - 654652 votes received
19. Viral - 634034 votes received
20. Commercial - 545218 votes received
21. Eia - 543234 votes received
22. Ball flexin' - 527505 votes received
23. Dark - 520861 votes received
24. Science - 494758 votes received
25. Sport - 487821 votes received
26. Art - 484944 votes received
27. Latenight - 469845 votes received
28. Horrorshow - 468944 votes received
29. Catsanddogs - 410197 votes received
30. Livemusic - 386966 votes received
31. Lies - 384926 votes received
32. Asia - 383632 votes received
33. Woohoo - 376473 votes received
34. Canada - 364253 votes received
35. Videogames - 348489 votes received
36. Religion - 347012 votes received
37. Happy - 335573 votes received
38. 80s - 330779 votes received
39. Femme - 328202 votes received
40. History - 320320 votes received
41. News - 306741 votes received
42. Terrible - 292836 votes received
43. Military - 288666 votes received
44. Scifi - 286366 votes received
45. Kids - 278385 votes received
46. Engineering - 272741 votes received
47. Standup - 268248 votes received
48. Howto - 253863 votes received
49. Sexuality - 242079 votes received
50. Humanitarian - 241118 votes received
51. Wheels - 224577 votes received
52. Spacy - 215044 votes received
53. Fear - 206190 votes received
54. Downunder - 193863 votes received
55. Drugs - 177705 votes received
56. Travel - 162704 votes received
57. Obscure - 152070 votes received
58. Wings - 147460 votes received
59. Cooking - 138064 votes received
60. Hiphop - 115620 votes received
61. Gay - 111307 votes received
62. Books - 102954 votes received
63. Shortfilms - 94894 votes received
64. Philosophy - 94117 votes received
65. Meme - 91288 votes received
66. Timeshift - 84897 votes received
67. Cult - 83079 votes received
68. Love - 67871 votes received
69. Islam - 62312 votes received
70. Teens - 61914 votes received
71. Comics - 57523 votes received
72. Wildwestshow - 54832 votes received
73. Bravo - 52302 votes received
74. Jazz - 48022 votes received
75. Eco - 45089 votes received
76. Talks - 42346 votes received
77. Grindhouse - 38356 votes received
78. Future - 34288 votes received
79. Mystery - 33808 votes received
80. Magic - 23027 votes received
81. Brain - 19715 votes received
82. Money - 12554 votes received
83. Dance - 11538 votes received
84. Controversy - 8331 votes received
85. Metal - 7270 votes received
86. Law - 6647 votes received
1. Comedy - 2209 votes
2. Music - 1866 votes
3. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 1516 votes
4. British Invasion - 1410 votes
5. Documentary Channel - 1406 votes
6. Wings! - 1247 votes
7. Ball-Flexin' - 1102 votes
8. Talks - debates, lectures and more - 1054 votes
9. Science - 923 votes
10. Sports Sift - 900 votes
this feels like Eurosong contest;)
>> ^kronosposeidon:
From October 13, 3008:
KP and his time machines.
Anyway, here are my top channels:
1. Comedy - 1689 votes received (comedy talk)................................................................=
2. Music - 1001 votes received (music talk)........................................................................˄
3. Video (game) Sift - 893 votes received (videogames talk).............................................˅
4. Animation - 858 votes received (animation talk)............................................................=
5. British Invasion - 626 votes received (british talk).........................................................=
6. Everything geek - 526 votes received (geek talk)..........................................................=
7. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 443 votes received (1sttube talk).......................=
8. Arts - 297 votes received (art talk)................................................................................˄
9. How To Do Anything, Anywhere, Anytime - 273 votes received (howto talk).................*New*
10. Commercial Sift - 256 votes received (commercial talk)................................................˅
and from 7 months ago:
1. Comedy - 1169 votes received (comedy talk)
2. Video (game) Sift - 576 votes received (videogames talk)
3. Music - 553 votes received (music talk)
4. Animation - 531 votes received (animation talk)
5. British Invasion - 460 votes received (british talk)
6. Everything geek - 366 votes received (geek talk)
7. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 311 votes received (1sttube talk)
8. Commercial Sift - 252 votes received (commercial talk)
9. A Bit of Parody - 195 votes received (parody talk)
10. Arts - 176 votes received (art talk)
Music and Video games switch places, Commercial and Arts switch places and How to replaces parody.
1. Music - 1875 votes received
2. Rock & Roll - 956 votes received
3. Obscure - 465 votes received
4. Hip Hop Culture - 450 votes received
5. Live Music - 406 votes received
6. Dark - 338 votes received
7. Cinema - 329 votes received
8. Comedy - 260 votes received
9. Politics - 219 votes received
10. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 206 votes received
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