Paperback or Hardcover

Since there's a discussion on MP3 or CD going on, I might as well ask, if we link to a book that is available in hardcover and paperback, which do we link to?
joedirt says...

This is like the most obvious question.. Like the other lame poll.
If you are linking to a product to purchase on the internet, by thrifty people, from amazon, shipped to your house.


and mp3s

Sagemind says...

My view has always been - buy the hardcover if you plan to keep it in your personal library. The soft covers are always the first ones to go when you start to thin them. Also, make sure you don't plan on moving any time soon.

I moved to a new town one year ago. I had too many books and almost all hardcovers. I "had" to sell over 250 books before we moved (garage sale) - most of them were hardcovers. That hurt, but don't worry, I still have over 4 book cases full. A Librarian came and bought most of them so that made me feel better. I kept the classics and the non-fiction.

My most expensive book is a $300 HC Star Wars book my wife bought me a few years back plus a few $150 H.R. Giger books and several ($??) Art books. I also have an original hard cover book on the diaries of Emily Carr, signed by her from around 1920.

Edit: I have on several occasions bought a soft cover, liked it and then turned around and went back and exchanged it for the hard cover so I could keep it around. (Yes they let you return and exchange books - just keep them in good shape.)

rougy says...

I'd go hardcover every time if I could. Just like the feel of them better. But I'm one of those people who moves around a lot, so I've had to ditch a fairly extensive library at least three times.

I'm also the type of person who writes in all of my books, the date I read a given passage, and I'll often circle segments of text that speaks to me. If I can't write in a book, I'd rather not have it.

peggedbea says...

i have a nasty habit of giving all my books away when im done reading them. so i dont care either way. im gonna read em once and pass em on.
im a lending library.

also if you loan me a book, thanks, but im gonna give it to someone else when im done.
literary karma, bitches.
dont be so greedy.

rottenseed says...

>> ^peggedbea:
i have a nasty habit of giving all my books away when im done reading them. so i dont care either way. im gonna read em once and pass em on.
im a lending library.
also if you loan me a book, thanks, but im gonna give it to someone else when im done.
literary karma, bitches.
dont be so greedy.

HAHAHA! I so know how this is.
The only 2 reasons for me to believe in karma: books and lighters. They have their own karmic system.

Crake says...

>> ^peggedbea:
i have a nasty habit of giving all my books away when im done reading them. so i dont care either way. im gonna read em once and pass em on.
im a lending library.
also if you loan me a book, thanks, but im gonna give it to someone else when im done.
literary karma, bitches.
dont be so greedy. was a big benefit for me when I was a backpacker. It's one of them web two point oh things that only get better the more participants there are. Join uusss!

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